
Charles William Johnson
welcomes you to
Earth/matriX Editions
where you will find published research findings about
Science in Ancient Artwork
Ancient Animation
Science Today
The Ancients Designed Animation into Their
My studies in ancient artwork led m>e to animate
the artwork of many of these cultures. This kind of Ancient Animation,
I call it Paleoanimation and have published mainly two examples,
one of the movement encoded into the Aztec Calendar and another
one about the movement encoded into the Maya image of Pakal Votan
on the lid of his sarcophagus. Many more paleoanimations will become
available for viewing on this web-site from ancient China, Japan
and Peru. We should begin uploading additional paleoanimations soon,
so come back and visit us often. When I say we, I also mean Jorge
Luna Martínez who has also designed some of the animations that
you will be able to view here. |
All Essays 1997-2024 on This Web-site
Grouped by Main Themes
- The Great Pyramid
- Pyramids of Egypt: Precession Numbers and Degrees of
- The Pyramids
of Giza and Teotihuacan
- The Great Pyramid: Measurements
- Giza and Teotihuacan:
- The Baseline of the Great Pyramid: A Measure of 756 :
676 (pdf)
- The Great Pyramids
Hidden Constant: The 239c Count (pdf)
- The Great Pyramid A Theoretical Construct (pdf)
- The Square/Circle Constant .5641895836 (pdf)
- The Square Root of
Ten (3.16227766) and Its Reciprocal (.316227766)
- The Maya-Kemi System
- The Maya-Kemi Baseline:
- The Sacred Nine a MatriX
- The Great
Pyramid of Giza and the Triangle
- Bouguer Gravity
and the Giza Complex
- Maya and Kemi Numbers: Multiplication
- Earthquake Data and the
Great Pyramid of Giza
- Comparative Analytical Drawings of the Pyramids of Teotihuacan, Mexico and the Pyramids of the Giza Complex, Egypt (pdf/9 pages)
- The Temple of Quetzalcoatl.
- Ancient Sites
Point to Atlantis: Giza, Teotihuacan and Nazca
- The
Theory of Continental Drift and Pangaea Today:
A Prima Facie Rebuttal (pdf)
- The Miami Circle The Internal Alignments of the pre-Tequesta
- The Geometry
of Ancient Sites Ancient Sites
- Tectonic Plates, Continental Drift and The Symmetry
of the Continents.
- Was Wegener
Wrong? Tectonic Plates, Continental Drift and The Symmetry
of the Continents Tectonic
- The Work of Carl P. Munck: The Code
- The Geometry
of Ancient Sites: A Geo-Grid
- The Geodetic
Foot: the 1296c Factor
- Frame-Dragging,
the Geodetic Effect of Spacetime and the Sothic Cycle
- Book:
Sounds, Symbols, and Meaning: Ancient Egyptian, Nahuatl
and Maya Sounds
- Correspondencia
lingüística entre el náhuatl y el antiguo
egipcio -Spanish-
- Linguistic Correspondence:
Nahuatl and Ancient Egyptian -English-
- Ancient
Egyptian Hieroglyphs Compared to Selected Nahuatl Word-Concepts
- A Kemi-Mesoamerican
Language (Metlatl and Met At)
- Comparative Maya
and Egyptian
- The
Talmud and Ancient Egyptian: Linguistic Correspondence
in the Mishnah
- Cocoliztli or Cocolitzli?
Indigenous Hemorrhagic Fever and The Spanish Conquest
- Ancient Mesoamerican Reckoning Names Compared to Ancient
Egyptian (pdf)
- Native
Indian Languages of Louisiana Linked to the Ancient Egyptian
- Ancient Egyptian
and Purepecha
- Runa Simi (Quechua)and
the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyph
- Book: The Aztec Calendar: Math and Design
- Book: The Aztec Calendar: a 374.4 Circle
- Book: Lagrangian Points on the Aztec Calendar
- Book: Images of the Aztec Calendar
- The Legend of the
Four Suns: Math, Geometry, and Design
- The 9 Baktuns of the
Baseline of Maya History on the Aztec Calendar
- The Aztec Calendar 360 (pdf)
- The QuincunX (pdf)
- The Quincunx: A Primer in Computation (pdf)
- Symbolic Math
in the Aztec Calendar.
- The Reciprocal of Seven and Pi in the Ancient Reckoning
- The Core of Earth
and The Aztec Calendar
- Ancient Calendrical Numbers: The 234, 260 and 360 Day Calendars (pdf)
- Huitzilipochtli: Hidden Images of the Aztec Calendar
- Macuili Ollin: An Animation of the Aztec Calendar (swf)
- The Aztec Calendar: A Study of the Five Central Points (swf)
- Book: Ancient Numerology
- Book: Reckoning Time: Ancient Day-Counts
- The Integer
(20) Calendar Reckoning and Astronomical Tables: Ancient
- Ancient Calendrical Numbers: The 234, 260 and 360 Day Calendars (pdf)
- The Reckoning
Systems of Ancient Mesoamerica day-count and Constant Numbers.
- The Maya Long
Count and SpaceTime/Movement.
- The Maya Long Count: Time Cycles in Terms of Distances.
- The Numbers of
the Universe and the Ancient Reckoning System of Mesoamerica
- Measurement and
the Coincidence of Numbers and Proportion in Reckoning
SpaceTime Events.
- The Octave: Tuning at A432
or F432
- The 360c Square:
A Design
- The Hidden Numbers
of K'awil
- The Platonic
Year & the Maya Long Count: Fractal
- The Platonic Year and
The Nineveh Constant (25920:22680)
- A Mathematical Constant: 288
- Symbolism in the Sothic Cycle Number 1649.457812
- The Sothic Cycle and the Maya Venus Cycle.
- Patterns of Time
Cycles and Orbits: Ancient Mesoamerican Calendars/
- The 3168c Count of Jesus Christ (pdf).
- Computational Origin of the Maya Long Count Origin
Maya (pdf)
- Powers and Roots in the Ancient Reckoning System
- Computers and the Ancient Reckoning System
- Ancient Reckoning Number Series (pdf)
- The Square Root of Ten (3.16227766) and Its Reciprocal
- The Ancient Reckoning Method (pdf)
- Measuring
- The Sacred Nine a MatriX
- Dimensionless Numbers and Numbers with Dimension
- Palindrome Numbers (pdf)
- Maya and Kemi Numbers: Multiplication
- Ephemeris Time and Ancient Numbers
- Reference Constant Numbers and Equations
- Mathematical and Geometrical Minutiae
- The Geodetic Foot: the 1296c Factor
- The Mantissa in Ancient Reckoning of Time: A Case Study
of .890411
- The Speed of Light and the Ancient Nineveh Fractal Number:
- Neutron-Proton Mass Difference, the Avogadro Constant and the Ancient Maya Alautun.(pdf)
- Book: The Solar System: Ancient Symmetry
- Book: Numbers and Cycles in Ancient Astronomy
- Book: The Pyramids of Teotihuacan in Motion
- The Upsilon Andromedae
- The Rotation
of the Sun and Ancient Reckoning
- Cosmic Microwave Background: The Temperature of the Universe
- The Astronomical Unit (AU): Mercury/Sun Distance
- Patterns of Symmetry among the Planets: Mercury/Sun as
Astronomical Unit (pdf)
- The Distance of the Planets from the Sun and their Atmospheric
- Mercury
as Astronomical Unit (AU), for Distance, Orbital Periodicity
and Velocity
- The Symmetry of The Earth and The Solar System (pdf)
- Venus Retrograde and the Lunation Timing of the Earth's
- Ephemeris Time and Ancient Numbers
- Measuring Space-Time/Movement.
- The Solar System
as Maya Long-Count.
- Escape Velocity: Planetary Reckoning
- 2012 The Potential
Impact of Asteroids on Earth
- The Bi-Gravitational Solar System Center-Point and Barycenter
- By Intelligent Design: The 1.068 Solar Radii Constant.
- A Multi-Gravitational Solar System Infinitely so..
- A New Special Right Triangle: 15° · 75° · 90°
The Solar System's 60-Degree Angle of Inclination to the Galactic Plane
- The Big Bang Theory Debunked by Its Own Reasoning: As Illustrated in the Popular Scientific Diagrams of the Big Bang.(pdf)
Find Out How Ancient Artwork Relates to Science Today
Upon studying the math and geometry in ancient artwork, it quickly became obvious to me that the ancient reckoning systems of space and time, math and geometry, had relevancy for today's studies in physics, chemistry and astronomy. From there it was a stone's throw to considering the significance of the ancient math and geometry in Science Today. The first study that I carried out in this sense was to relate the ancient Maya Long Count, for analyzing extremely long periods of time on Earth and in the Cosmos, with the study of the elements and their atomic structure.
- The Maya Long Count:
Time: Time Cycles in Terms of Distances
- The Maya Long Count and SpaceTime/Movement
- The Platonic Year & the Maya Long Count: Fractal
- The Solar System as Maya Long-Count.
- The Hidden Numbers of K'awil
- Computational Origin of the Maya Long Count Origin Maya(pdf)
- Ancient Encoded Numbers: The Speed of Light
- The Speed of Light as of Ancient Reckoning
- Maya and Kemi Numbers: Multiplication
- The Companion Numbers: The Ball Game
- The Square Root
of Ten (3.16227766) and Its Reciprocal (.316227766)
- The Sacred Nine a MatriX
- Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, and The Maya Companion
- The
Maya Long Count: an Extension of the Pythagorean Theorem
and an Emendation to Fermats
Last Theorem
- A Possible Maya Method of Ancient Math (pdf)
- Neutron-Proton Mass Difference, the Avogadro Constant and the Ancient Maya Alautun.(pdf)
- Planck Units of Mass,
Momentum and Energy: c7, c8 , c9 Respectively, Powers of the Speed of a Light Photon
- The
Planck Constants Based on the Fundamental Physical Constant
- The
Earth/matriX Table of Planck Constants Based on the Fundamental
Physical Constants
- Table 1. The theoretical foundations of the Planck units
- Table 2. The Planck Constants Based on the CODATA Computational
- Table 3. 1.9560844566531 Implied Energy in Relation to
other constants
- Table 4. The Earth/matriX Table of Planck Constants Based
on the Fundamental Physical Constants
- Table 5. Fundamental physical constants as well as the
natural unit of length
- Table 6. Redundant Derivations of 1.956084466531 Implied
Energy in the CODATA Fundamental Physical Constants
- Table 7. Table of the Planck Constants Based on the Fundamental
Physical Constants
- Table 8. Reduced Planck Constants: Planck's Constant,
h, Based on 3.38704993
- Table 9. The Planck Constant and Select Reduced Planck
Constants with CODATA values
- The Compton Wavelength Represents the Fractal Reciprocal of the Planck Implied Length
- Natural
Units and Atomic Units
- Relationships Regarding Select Physical and Chemical Constants
- Proposal to Include Planck Implied Values in the CODATA
- Scientific
Notation, Fractal Numbers and the Symbolic Formulae Based
on Roots
- The Square Root of the Speed of Light in a Vacuum and
Planck Units
- Planck Units: Natural Units and the Key Equations in Physics 38 pag
- Math Procedures in the Planck Constants
- My Hunch about Quarks and Their Numerical Values
- Planck’s Fundamental Physical Constants: The Theoretical Foundation of the Planck Units.
- Proposal to Correct an Omission and an Error in the CODATA.
- Tables of Particle Mass Ratios and Their Reciprocals.(pdf)
- The Planck Constants Represent Powers of the Speed of Light in vacuo
- Book: Eventpoint Cosmogeography
- The Big Bang Theory Debunked by Its Own Reasoning: As Illustrated in the Popular Scientific Diagrams of the Big Bang.(pdf)
- Eventpoint CosmoGeography
- Earth's Life Cycles Contradict the Supercontinent Cycle:
(The Earth's Reproductive Life Cycles of Carbon, Nitrogen,
Oxygen and Water Deny the Theory of Continental Drift)
- "Symmetry Between Land Mass and Water Mass on Earth"
Volume Two of Cosmogeography
- The
Theory of Continental Drift and Pangaea Today: A Prima
Facie Rebuttal (pdf)
- Continental
Drift and Plate Tectonics Adrift
- Continental
Drift, Plate Tectonics and Sea-Floor Spreading: A Critical
- Continental Drift and Direction According to Proponents
of the Wegener Theory- Images
- Tectonic Plates, Continental Drift and The Symmetry
of the Continents (Abstract)
- Was Wegener Wrong? Tectonic
Plates, Continental Drift and The Symmetry of the Continents
- Alfred
Wegener's Book, The Origin of Continents and Oceans: A
Critical Commentary on Continental Drift Theory
- Ocean Currents: Alternating Patterns of Symmetry.
- Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics Adrift Mt. Aconcagua
and Mt. Everest in Symmetry to the West Coast of Africa
- Eventpoint Cosmogeography Continental Drift Theory
Questioned by Translation Symmetry Found Through
- The Mississipi River Delta and The Nile River Delta: Note for the Atchafalaya River Debate
- Table
of Selected Physical and Chemical Constants with Corresponding
1.36+ Fractal Values
- Fractal Values of Selected Fundamental Physical Constants:
Ancient Reckoning and CODATA Reckoning (pdf)
- The Nineveh Number and The Fundamental Constant "Acceleration
Due to Gravity" (979.776 : 979.732)
- The Reciprocal of Light: Gravity The Reciprocal of
Gravity: Light
- Fine
Structure Constant 7.297 352 568e-3 one pag
- Fine Structure Constant: A Redundant Notation pdf one
- The Inverse Fine Structure Constant A Relationship of Pi and the Diametian pdf one
- The
Inverse Fine-Structure Constant, The Ground State Energy
Level of the Electron in a Hydrogen Atom, and, The Earth/matriX
Thermodynamic Temperature Scale [137.03599911 | -13.6eV
| 1.3661]
- A
Constant Factor for The Difference Between the Proton
Mass and the Neutron Mass
- The Square Root of The Speed of Light and The Speed
of Light Squared
- * Metric Time and The Speed of Light [ 259,020.6837 kilometers/metric-second
] Time Systems, Clocks and Spacetime Measurement pdf 35
pag. You can purchase: click
- Metric Time and Non-Metric Time: The Speed of Light
Conversion Factor 1.157407407 for Translating CODATA Fundamental
Constants to a Metric System.(pdf)
- My Hunch about Quarks and Their Numerical Values
- Particle Mass Differences: Earth/matriX Proposed Order for the Mass of the Particles.(pdf)
- Proposal to Correct an Omission and an Error in the CODATA.
- Planck’s Fundamental Physical Constants: The Theoretical Foundation of the Planck Units.(pdf)
- Tables of Particle Mass Ratios and Their Reciprocals.(pdf)
- Neutron-Proton Mass Difference, the Avogadro Constant and the Ancient Maya Alautun.(pdf)
- The Earth's Matrix 1.3663
- The Solar
- The Solar Constants of the Planets
and The Earth/matriX Temperature Scale [Earth = 1.3661 fractal]
- A Temperature Constant for the Universe (1.366 and .366)pdf
- The Solar
Constant: 1.3661 and The Earth/matriX Temperature Scale:
- The Square Root
of Ten (3.16227766) and Its Reciprocal (.316227766)
- Table
of Selected Physical and Chemical Constants with Corresponding
1.36+ Fractal Values
- Physical and Chemical Constants: The significance of
the 136.Fractal for the electron in a atom pdf
- The
Inverse Fine-Structure Constant, The Ground State Energy
Level of the Electron in a Hydrogen Atom, and, The Earth/matriX
Thermodynamic Temperature Scale [137.03599911 | -13.6eV
| 1.3661]
- Maximum Number of Electrons in Shells of Atoms: The
- Matter and Energy Disengaged: Ionization Energy the
Solar Constant, the Temperature Scale and the Refractive
Index of Light
[ 1.36 | 1.366 | 1.367 ]
- The .366 | 1.366 |
Baseline of the Special Right Triangle Series.
- The Crop Circles
Towards 2012 [Seriously].
- Comparison of the crop circles
- Crop
Circle Waylands Smithy: Positional Math and the Maya Numbers (29 slides) version pdf
- Crop Circle Positional
Math version pdf.
- Wilton
Windmill Crop CirclePositional MathPart II version
- Analytical Drawings of the Fractal Proportions within the Pyramidal Structures at the Teotihuacan site in Mexico:
Comparison to Crop Circle
- New Crop Circle at Temple Farm, UK, 07 August 2011
- Crop Circle
Cheesefoot Head (1) nr Winchester, Hampshire. Reported 9th August 2012.
- “The Eye of God”
El ojo de Dios
Huichol Indigenous
Design of Mexico
- The Bi-Gravitational Solar System Center-Point and
- A Multi-Gravitational Solar System Infinitely so...
- The Solar matrix: The Sun - Jupiter Barycenter
- The Vacuocentric Solar System Head-on View
- The Vacuocentric Solar System Additional Commentary
- The Pluto / Sun Relationship and the Thermodynamic
Temperature Scale
- Mercury as Astronomical Unit (AU), for Distance, Orbital
Periodicity and Velocity
- By Intelligent Design: The 1.068 Solar Radii Constant
- The Astronomical
Unit (AU): Mercury/Sun Distance
- Patterns of Symmetry among the Planets: Mercury/Sun
as Astronomical Unit (pdf)
- The Distance of the Planets from the Sun and their
Atmospheric Composition
- The Symmetry of The Earth and The Solar System (pdf)
- Plasma Physics: 1014 and Meso-American Mythology
- Far Side of the Moon and Its Core Relationship: The Moon's
Librations and Core Diameter
Ancient Animation Through Math and Geometry by Design
The interesting point about the paleoanimations is that they are based upon the math and geometry studies, which led me to consider the possibility that the ancients themselves designed their artwork with the concept of animation encoded in their works. So, even though Jorge and I are producing the animations, in fact, the ancients were the real paleoanimators. With a single art design they encoded the concept of movement into their work for all of us to see generations later. Why do I say that? Because they employed stone for their work which lasts generations upon generations, when they could used wood which would have been much easier to work with and would have just been for their own consumption. But the ancients obviously had a profound sense of time and human history, and the need to communicate to later generations ---hence, their tremendous efforts at working and sculpting in stone.
- Pakal, The Maya Astronaut:
A Study of Ancient Space Travel
- Pakal, The Ancient Astronaut: Paleoanimation of the Sculpture
of the Maya at Palenque
- Book:
Pakal: The Ancient Astronaut
- Book:
The Great Scales: Osiris and Pakal
- Book: The Geometry of Pakal: the Glyphs
- Book: Pi, the Reciprocal of Seven and Trigono/metriX
- Book: The Anti-Radian
- Book: The Binary System
- The Reciprocal of Seven and Pi in the Ancient Reckoning
- Trigono/metriX: the Trigonometric Table and Ancient
- The Concept of Pi and
the Ancient Reckoning Numbers (Trigono/metriX)
- The Radian and the Anti-Radian: A Method of Reckoning
- The Conversion of Degrees, Radians and the Diametian
in Ancient Reckoning Counts (pdf )
- The Anti-Radian: 5.28318530751
- The Binary System
- Selected Math Constants in Geometry: Unit Circles,
Squares and Triangles (pdf)
- Ancient Encoded Numbers: The Speed of Light
- Ancient Pi: Knowers of the
- Ancient Phi and Its Extension
- Book: Fermats
Last Theorem: a Summation
- Fermats
Last Theorem
- Summation of Fermat's
Last Theorem (xn + yn = xn)
- Fermats
Last Theorem: A Brief Summation
- Fermats
Last Theorem: Powers and Last-Digit Patterns, (Relations
of Non-Equivalency and Approximate Equivalency)
- The Maya
Long Count: an Extension of the Pythagorean Theorem and
an Emendation to Fermats
Last Theorem
- An Alternative to the Pythagorean Theorem: w3 + x3 + y3 = u3
- The Pythagorean Theorem x2 + y2 + z2 = w2
Math and Geometry Encoded into Ancient Artwork
In the Science in Ancient Artwork works, I offer studies about ancient calendars, such as the Aztec Calendar, and how the ancients reckoned time. Studies also cover the math and geometry encoded into the ancient art. I have studied seven different cultures to date, with publications mainly covering at present the Aztecs and the Maya of Mesoamerica and, the Kemi of ancient Egypt. You will analyses of the geometry and math behind the pyramids of these fascinating ancient cultures. Soon many more findings will become available about art from Peru, China, Japan, and Korea.
- Book: The Pythagorean Theorem and The Maya Long Count
- Book: Beyond the Pythagorean Theorem
- Book: Fermats
Last Theorem: a Summation
- The Maya Long Count: an Extension of the Pythagorean
and an Emendation to Fermat's Last Theorem
- The Pythagorean Theorem
and The Maya Long Count
- The Maya-Kemi Baseline:
- Summation of Fermats
Last Theorem (xn + yn = xn)
- Fermats
Last Theorem: A Brief Summation
- Fermats
Last Theorem: Powers and Last-Digit Patterns,
of Non-Equivalency and Approximate Equivalency)
- Fermats
Last Theorem
- An Alternative to the Pythagorean Theorem: w3 + x3 + y3 = u3
- The Pythagorean Theorem, Perfect Right Triangles
- The Pythagorean Theorem x2 + y2 + z2 = w2
- The Pythagorean Theorem: What's Real, What's Not
- The Enneagram
- Fractal Triangles: Complements to Basic and Special
Right Triangles
- The .366 | 1.366 |
Baseline of the Special Right Triangle Series.
(A New Special Right Triangle: 15°·75°·90°)
- A Submission to the Beal Conjecture Competition Last-Digit Terminations and the Beal
Conjecture: An Explanation
- The Beal Conjecture Submission
Number Two
- The Beal Conjecture:
A Summary of The Beal Conjecture
- The Beal
Conjecture: Ax + By = Cz A Proof and Counterexamples [Ax + By = zC]
- The Beal
Conjecture and the Limitations of Algebraic Notation
- Book: The Earth/matriX Thermodynamic
Temperature Scale
- The International Temperature Scale 1990 (ITS-90) in Celsius, Kelvin, and Energy-Matter Units (A Proposal from Earth/matriX)(pdf)
- The
Diametian and the Temperature Scale 1.142857143
- A Temperature Constant for the Universe (1.366 and .366)pdf
- The Solar
Constant: 1.3661 and The Earth/matriX Temperature Scale:
- The Earth/matriX Temperature
Scale: A Brief Comparison with the Centigrade, Celsius and
Kelvin Scales
- The Triple point
of Water @100 e/m: Defines the Earth/matriX Temperature
- The Earth-Moon Barycenter and The Earth/matriX Thermodynamic
Temperature Scale
- The Pluto / Sun Relationship
and the Thermodynamic Temperature Scale
- Kelvin and Centigrade Temperature Scales and the Ancient
Reckoning System (pdf)
- Color Scale and
Temperature Scale Relations
- The Temperature Scale and the
Universal Constant for Particle Mass.(pdf)
- Symmetry on the Earth/matriX Thermodynamic Temperature Scale:
Absolute Zero | Melting Point | Boiling Point | Critical Point of
Selected Elements, Together with Triple Points
- Extracts of the Schemata of the Elements
- The Kelvin
Temperature Scale and the Square Root Three pdf one pag
- Matter and Energy Disengaged: Ionization
Energy the Solar Constant, the Temperature Scale and the Refractive
Index of Light [ 1.36 | 1.366 | 1.367 ] version
- The Temperature Scale’s
Baseline is Founded upon, the Mantissa of the Square Root of Three
- The Ideal Temperature
Scale Based on The Square Root of Three pdf one pag
- The .366 | 1.366
Baseline of the Special Right Triangle Series version
pdf 11 pag
- Radioactive Decay: .693
- "The Snowflake: A Critical
Commentary on Chaos Theory and Fractal Geometry"
- Fractal Values of Selected Fundamental Physical Constants:
Ancient Reckoning and CODATA Reckoning (pdf)
- The Nineveh Number and The Fundamental Constant "Acceleration
Due to Gravity" (979.776 : 979.732)
- e For Euler and Ancient Measure
- Dimensionless Numbers and Numbers with Dimension
- The Earths
Matrix 1.3663
- The Schemata Beyond Table
- The Schemata Mixtures of Metals (pdf)
- The
Schemata of the Elements
- Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, and The Maya Companion
- Proton, Electron and Neutron Masses in Ancient Reckoning
- Plasma Physics: 1014 and Meso-American Mythology
- Bouguer Gravity and the Giza Complex 4185:4815
- The Speed of Light as of Ancient Reckoning
- The Reciprocal of Light: Gravity The Reciprocal of Gravity:
- Fine Structure Constant 7.297 352 568e-3
- The Solar Constant.
- Measuring Space-time/Movement.
- The Large Hadron
Collider [LHC] Particle Zoo Three
A New Periodic Table Based on Ancient Math
With those studies, I produced a restructuring of the periodic table of the elements based on the numbers coming out of the Maya Long Count. I call this new periodic table, The Schemata of the Elements. You will find available for viewing here over 6000 different schematic analyses of the chemical and physical properties and characteristics of the elements.
- The
Periodic Schemata of the Elements
- How to Read Schemata of the Elements
- The Periodic Schemata (swf)
- The Periodic Schemata Beyond Table Periodic(pdf)
- The Schemata Mixtures of Metals (pdf)
- The
Periodic Table of the Elements
- The Conventional Periodic Table of the Elements: A Certain Disorder
- A Neutronic Periodic Table of the Elements. The Neutronic Schemata.
- Latin Symbolic Notation.
- Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, and The Maya Companion
- The Distance of the Planets from the Sun And Their
Atmospheric Composition
- Proton, Electron and Neutron Masses in Ancient Reckoning
- The Earth-Moon Barycenter and The Earth/matriX Thermodynamic
Temperature Scale
- Extracts of the Schemata of the Elements
- The Particle Zoo
- Symmetry on the Earth/matriX Thermodynamic Temperature Scale:
Absolute Zero | Melting Point | Boiling Point | Critical Point of Selected Elements, Together with Triple Points
- The Planck Constants Based on the Fundamental Physical Constants
- Planck
Units of Mass, Momentum and Energy
- * E
= mc2 is simply c9 = c7c2, You can purchase: click
- * Fundamental
Physical Constants Notes: Fractal Multiples and Einstein's
- * Einstein's
Formula: A Special Case: The E = mc2 equation
is really E3 = m1c2..
- * Einstein's Formula
Stands for Powers of Speed of Light, Not the Conversion
of Mass|Energy:
(c9 = c7 c2 the Basis of
E = mc2).You can purchase: click
- * Einstein's Formula:
Mass Confusion (c9 = c7 c2 the Basis of E = mc2).You can purchase: click
- *Einstein's Formula
and Variations of Redundancies.You can purchase: click
- * The Formula in
Einstein's Equation. You can purchase: click
- Einstein’s Formula: A Sleight of Hand (pdf)
- Redefining
the Kilogram as of Plancks Constant: A Critical Commentary
- Table of Selected
Fundamental Physical Constants Derive
~ c9 Fractal Numerical Value ~ 1.95607871
- Particle Mass Differences: Earth/matriX Proposed Order for the Mass of the Particles.(pdf)
- Tables of Particle Mass Ratios and Their Reciprocals. (pdf)
- Proposal to Correct an Omission and an Error in the CODATA.
- Neutron-Proton Mass Difference, the Avogadro Constant and the Ancient Maya Alautun.(pdf)
- Math Procedures in the Planck Constants. (pdf)
- My Hunch about Quarks and Their Numerical Values
- Particle Mass Differences: Earth/matriX Proposed Order for the Mass of the Particles. (pdf)
- Planck’s Fundamental Physical Constants: The Theoretical Foundation of the Planck Units.(pdf)
- Tables of Particle Mass Ratios and Their Reciprocals.(pdf)
- Proposal to Correct an Omission and an Error in the CODATA.
- The Planck Constants Represent Powers of the Speed of Light in vacuo.
- The Big Bang Theory Debunked by Its Own Reasoning: As Illustrated in the Popular Scientific Diagrams of the Big Bang.(pdf)
- The Speed of Light in a Vacuum is Not the Maximum Speed of Matter-Energy. (pdf)
- Superluminal Velocities Electromagnetic: Particle-Waves Always Travel Faster than the Defined Speed of Light in a Vacuum.(pdf)
- Spacetime Discontinuum; A Content Analysis of Selected Word-Concepts in Albert Einstein's 1905 Article: "Concerning an Heuristic Point of View Toward the Emission and Transformation of Light" Part One / Part Two
- Misconceptions in the Theory of Relativity: "Traveling Back in Time".
- Electromagnetic Particle-Waves [EMPW]: Superluminal White Light and Its Colors.
- The ElectroMagnetic Particle-Wave Spectrum: Different Levels of Velocities.(pdf)
- Matter-Energy in Spacetime/motion Travels Far Beyond the Defined Speed of Light in a Vacuum.(pdf)
- New Book
A Spacetime/Motion Analysis of Relativity Theory and The Speed of Light in a Vacuum

William Johnson:
e-mail: charlesjohnson@earthmatrix.com
Science in Ancient Artwork Series ISSN-1526-3312
©1995 - 2024 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson and Jorge Luna Martinez.
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any from is prohibited. All of the content text, images,
drawings, designs and material ideas on this web-site may not be published, broadcast,
rewritten, copied, or redistributed by any means or in any form. Contact the owners,
Charles William Johnson and Jorge Luna Martinez.
charlesjohnson@earthmatrix.com and kawil@earthmatrix.com for information on licensing and/or any other aspect pertaining to this web-site and the material contained herein |