By Intelligent Design:
The 1.068 Solar Radii Constant
and the Great Pyramid

by Charles William Johnson

(Complete essay:: Intelligent_Design.pdf)

Does the world exist by spontaneous creation or by intelligent design? That is the question. Most undoubtedly, at this stage in history, as it has been for the past who-knows-how-many millennia, that is an unanswerable question.

Even if we were to find out that other beings existed on another planet, somewhere in this vast yet unknown Universe to us, the question would still arise. Even after we were to meet these beings from other planets, possibly other solar systems, even after we were to ask them if they knew the answer to the question, even after all that, the question would probably still go unanswered. They would probably be no closer to an answer than we are.

Imagine two, or even more, peoples from different solar systems and galaxies, meeting up somewhere in Deep Space, shaking hands, arriving in peace, asking one another that same question. “Do you know the answer, was the Universe created by intelligent design or by spontaneous creation?” Everybody would probably look at one another and say, “Aw, shucks, I thought you might know the answer to this question.”

For no matter, how far and wide, we may explore the Universe, the hand of Creation may not be least, not in the manner in which we are looking for that initial act of creation of matter-energy, of spacetime/motion. The creation of the Universe eludes us, everyday, right under our very noses. Matter-energy, spacetime/motion, are all around us; in fact we are made up of that same creative matter-energy that was created to create the Universe, whether it may have been by intelligent design or by spontaneous creation. more

"View the complete essay for a discussion about the Creation by
intelligent design or by spontaneous creation. Then read about how the
Great Pyramid encodes and follows the design of the barycenter of the
solar system based upon the 1.068 solar radii. Learn how all of the main measurements of the Great Pyramid reflect the 1.068 solar radii and
the method of computation for its base length, height,
and angle of inclination by intelligent design."

(complete essay: Intelligent_Design.pdf)

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