Science in Ancient Artwork and Science Today

The Theoretical Interpretation of Spacetime/motion

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earthmatrix data: author Charles William Johnson

Charles William Johnson began studying the math and geometry behind ancient artwork systematically and full-time around October, 1992. In 1997, the web-site, Earth/matriX: Science in Ancient Artwork,, was set up to present the research project's findings. Later, he set up Earth/matriX: Science Today,, in order to make public the research findings about the critique of the conventional periodic table of the elements. And, finally, a third web-site was created, Earth/matriX: Paleoanimation,, in order to begin publishing the ancient animations resulting from the study of math and geometry in ancient art.

Johnson is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana, where he resides today. Before he finished high school, he studied at the Escuela de Verano in Mexico City at the National University of Mexico [1959 and 1960]. He then returned to Mexico to study there in 1963, but was offered a scholarship at El Colegio de Mexico. At El Colegio de Mexico he finished the Master's program in Oriental Studies and the Litentiate program in International Relations [1963 - 1969]. He then went on to finish the Master's program in Sociology and the Doctorate program in Latin American Studies at UNAM [1973-1977]. Johnson was a full-time, tenured researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, UNAM from 1972 to 1992. And, he was a course professor at various universities in Mexico and Canada. He was a consultant to the President of the World Congress of Indigenous Peoples, Ottawa, from about 1988 until 1992.

In 1993, he finally left his position at the UNAM and returned to his hometown to pursue the Earth/matriX research project full-time. Since then, his day-job has been giving him a scholarship to carry out his research. One of the leading premises behind Johnson's research is that scholars need to interconnect research themes as they are in reality already interconnected. Therefore, at first glance the Earth/matriX research project may be considered to be extremely broad. However, in Johnson's mind since all spacetime events are connected to one another, there is a theoretical obligation to consider any given subject of analysis in relationship to as many fields of matter-energy as possible.

Although the Earth/matriX Project began as a study of the math and geometry behind ancient artwork, the very findings of that research carried Johnson into the fields of physics and chemistry, fields in which he has not had an formal training or studies. In a sense, it is the research subject-matter that guides the researcher into exploring different relationships. Back in 1992, Johnson says that he would never have thought of creating a different kind of periodic table of the elements. His studies in the Maya Long Count caused him to consider the creation of two distinct periodic tables now, an electronic schema and a neutronic schema design. And, the study of the ancient artwork also guided him into considering the idea of paleoanimations, ancient animations. These are not animations that Johnson has dreamed up, but rather derive from the math and geometry embedded in the ancient artwork itself.

charles william johnson

Towards a Portfolio of Photographs



Particle Mass Diference

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Earth/matriX eBook
Particle Mass Diference
Author: Charles William Johnson
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