
Science in Ancient Artwork and Science Today
The Theoretical Interpretation of Spacetime/motion
Research Associates in Arts/Science Ecology.


Author:Charles William Johnson


New Orleans, Louisiana,


Founder: Charles William Johnson
Director/Mexico: Jorge Luna M.

Research Associates in Arts/Science Ecology.
Science in Ancient Artwork Series ISSN-1526-3312
and Science Today
Published in the United States of America.

Jorge Luna Director-Mexico

Charles William Johnson Owner-Founder

©1995-2024 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson.
All rights reserved

Charles William Johnson and Jorge Luna Martínez are the sole representatives and legal agents of this website and its content,

Constant Solar
  1. The Earth's Matrix 1.3663

  2. The Solar Constant

  3. The Solar Constants of the Planets and The Earth/matriX Temperature Scale [Earth = 1.3661 fractal]

  4. A Temperature Constant for the Universe (1.366 and .366)pdf

  5. The Solar Constant: 1.3661 and The Earth/matriX Temperature Scale: 1.366085811

  6. The Square Root of Ten (3.16227766) and Its Reciprocal (.316227766)

  7. Table of Selected Physical and Chemical Constants with Corresponding 1.36+ Fractal Values

  8. Physical and Chemical Constants: The significance of the 136.Fractal for the electron in a atom pdf 7 pag.

  9. The Inverse Fine-Structure Constant, The Ground State Energy Level of the Electron in a Hydrogen Atom, and, The Earth/matriX Thermodynamic Temperature Scale [137.03599911 | -13.6eV | 1.3661]

  10. Maximum Number of Electrons in Shells of Atoms: The 1.3611111

  11. Matter and Energy Disengaged: Ionization Energy the Solar Constant, the Temperature Scale and the Refractive Index of Light [ 1.36 | 1.366 | 1.367 ]
  12. The .366 | 1.366 | pi Baseline of the Special Right Triangle Series. (A New Special Right Triangle: 15°·75°·90°)

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