Science in Ancient Artwork and Science Today
The Theoretical Interpretation of Spacetime/motion
Dedicated to the preservation of human knowledge in the arts and sciences,
and to the advancement of human survival and to that of our planet in a world threatened by our own development.


  • Phi Patterns in Nature and Beyond
    by: Leigh Johnson, Donna Marie Pirich, Heather O' Connor & Theresa Sampson. Kappa Mu Epsilon
    [PDF File] This is a detailed mathematical proof of my essay about the distance of the planets from the Sun and their atmospheric composition. Go to page 17 of the PDF file linked here.

  • "How many people are needed for one individual to be here today."

    from: Pavlo Kontzal Achná (Pablo González Casanova Henríquez)

  • Science Created Art a New Way to Interpret Ancient Work
    from: Katherine Hart

  • Elements of Life
    from: Beatriz Gonzalez-Casanova

  • Gravitational Spacial Expansion (pdf. 71 kb)
    from: Joseph Charles Piskac

  • A Framework for a Fundamental Theory? New!
    from: Dean L. Sinclair

  • Eski's Oscillator/Substance Group 2008-2011
    compiled by: Dean L(eRoy) Sinclair
    Book VI_Part1.pdf 1.22MB
    Book VI_Part2.pdf 1.17MB
    Book VI_Part3.pdf 1.20MB
    Book VI_Part4.pdf 1.13MB

  • Oscillator/Substance Model View of Elements and the Periodic Chart
    from: Dean L. Sinclair

  • Great Pyramid Repository of Knowledge, (PDF 170 KB)
    from : Derek A. Skhane

  • Art Meets Math: Ancient Meeting of Worlds
    from: Stephanie Tannenbaum

  • Large Hadron Rap" video on commentary by Charles William Johnson
    [with responses]

  • The Origin of Culture and Civilization,
    The Cosmological Philosophy of the Ancient Worldview regarding Myth, Astrology, Science and Religion.
    from : Thomas K Dietrich

  • 'How Gravity Works'
    The Nature of Dark Matter, Why Spiral galaxies are Spiral, Why the Earth is Boiling Hot,
    Permanent Magnetism and How the Earth's Magnetic Field is Generated.
    from : Maurice Cotterell

  • Big Bang a Bust
    from : Jeffrey P.Mitchell

  • Dialogue between Fernando Aedo and Charles William Johnson
    about Linguistic Correspondence
    Part four
    Part three
    Part two
    Part one

  • The Crop Circle Music Wheel
    from : Joseph E. Mason

  • The Great Pyramid Architect Had A Secret
    from : Joseph Turbeville

  • Beyond The Speed of Light
    from : Hugh Harleston, Jr.

  • Five Ancient Fibonacci Series In the Light of the Maya Long Count Series
    from : Vigor Berg
  • The Code Behind the Maya Long Count: Part III
    from : Vigor Berg
  • The Code Behind the Maya Long Count: Part II
    from : Vigor Berg
  • The Code Behind the Maya Long Count: Part I
    from : Vigor Berg
    - The Mantissa in Ancient Reckoning of Time: A Case Study of .890411
    Charles Johnson.

  • A Mayan Milestone
    from : Hugh Harleston, Jr.

  • Pyramids: Models of the Spacetime Matrix
    from : Will Hart

  • Estructuras de Observación "Chaupin"
    from : Mario E. Osorio Olazábal

  • AYNI Ley de la Reciprocidad Introducción a la Paleosemiótica
    from : Carlos Milla Villena

  • Universala cirklo kun radiuso dividita en 189 vs (html)
    from : De Eugen Stasson

  • New Tabular Evidence of a Monument in Harmony with the Universe:
    A Sourcebook on Nature's Numbers for Artists & Architects.

    from : Joseph Turbeville

  • An Angular Perspective of Leonardo Da Vinci's Vituvian Man
    Utilizing the Phi Function Identity Rule of Natural Symmetry.
    A Glimmer of Light -Note-7.
    (PDF 136 KB)
    from : Joseph Turbeville

  • Commentary on Earth/matriX.
    from : Yod Zain.

  • Demonstration of the Beal Conjecture
    by the Theorem of Seba
    (PDF 28 KB)
    from : Sebastião Vieira do Nascimento

  • Life Map, Solstice 2001
    Star of David, Global System
    Star of David, Land of Bathsheba
    from : Joe Piskac, AIA

  • Sintesi Antropometrica
    from : Alfonso Rubino

  • Linea di quadratura della superfice del cerchio di raggio
    from : Alfonso Rubino

  • Cristalli di Neve
    from : Alfonso Rubino

  • La Pietra Azteca e Il Trinagolo Sacro
    from : Alfonso Rubino

  • Geometria Segreta dell' Uomo Vitruviano
    from : Alfonso Rubino

  • The Hall of Records:
    An Analysis by Alfonso Rubino Based on His Method in Geometry and
    Partially on Data Suggested by Mr. Alexander Artemov.

  • The Sphinx, The Great Pyramid and Khufu's Valley Temple
    from : Mr. Alexander Artemov

  • Sacred Geometry
    from : Alfonso Rubino

  • Meidum: Piramide Di Huni
    Applicazione dei codici geometric Charles William Johnson

    from : Alfonso Rubino

  • A Message to The Visitor of
    from : Jim Branson.

  • TOE:

    The Theory of Everything is incorrect, because there is no such thing.


    Drawing by:
    Daniel Manrique
    Tepito Arte Acá
    El Ñero en la Cultura
    Tepito, De Efe, Tenochtitlán

    Mural by:
    Daniel Manrique
    Tepito Arte Acá
    El Ñero en la Cultura
    Tepito, De Efe, Tenochtitlán

    For those of you wishing Charles William Johnson to comment your writing, findings, manuscripts, and any published materials, please, send photocopies only to the Earth/matriX New Orleans post-office address listed herein. Please, do not send originals, and do not send electronic files or e-mail attachments, as they shall not be opened or reviewed.

    Charles shall be pleased to offer a commentary in the detail required with hand-written notes on your photocopies.

    Always remember to include your name, publication/manuscript title, date and copyright data, and personal contact information on the photocopies that you send to him.

    Please, allow at least thirty days in order to receive your written response.

    Charles William Johnson

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    Translator and Interpreter

    Science in Ancient Artwork Series ISSN-1526-3312
    ©1995 - 2021 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.
    The text and all images of this website are copyright protected.