Throughout the Earth/matriX series of essays, we have often mentioned the concept of "coincidence of terms" between the ancient reckoning numbers and the fundamental physical constants of today's scientific world. Many of the coincidences appear to stem from employing the fractal expression of numbers. And, in that manner, one may simply dismiss many of the observations made throughout the series to happenstance.
However, as we further our studies, we realize that there most definitely existed a body of knowledge in the ancient past, and within many different cultures, that appears to have been incorporated from somewhere outside of those civilizations. Many theses exist in this regard. Some authors have postulated as the source for such knowledge, the idea of Atlantis, or the continent of Mu. Other students of the past simply state that the knowledge came from somewhere out in space.
Aside from the fact that such knowledge has no obvious historical record to support such theses, the mere suggestion of an extraneous source of knowledge to these great cultures is rejected. The rejection comes from a feeling that merit is being taken away from the all-impressive ancient cultures. Obviously, the study of the past cannot be based upon an effort in either sense, to grant or to withdraw merit from the ancient cultures. The point moreover is to simply know from whence such knowledge may have come. The analytical implications are far-reaching in either case, and shall contribute to our understanding of the origins of civilization.
"What is Civilization?
The Great Civilizations of the past ---Egyptian, Assyrian, Persian, Greek, Roman--- did not spring into being out of the void. Their tremendous cultural and material achievements were due, not to the emergence of superior human beings, but rather to the methodical application and development of skills and technologies inherited from those who proceeded them." [Stuart Piggott, ed., The Dawn of Civilization, The First World Survey of Human Cultures in Early Times, McGraw Hill, New York, 1961, p.11]
The over-riding question is to know who were the ones who came before. Scholars, archaeologists and anthropologists are hard-pressed to explain the existence of many of the monuments and pyramidal sites around the world, and the degree of knowledge required for their placement. Hardly any two scholars can agree upon how, much less why, most of the monuments were built in antiquity. The very dating of the sites, the idea of when the monumental structures made their appearance, causes serious disagreement.
One can easily accept the genius of the human mind; we need only observe our present and past achievements as people upon this Earth and beyond. One might also conclude that with a simple compass and straightedge all things, all relations may be known by us, without even leaving the ground. Now, that we have ventured out into space within our solar system, we are beginning to realize that there are certain kinds of knowledge and data that may only be generated as of leaving the ground.
But, there is one particular physical constant that has been derived from pure theory. This concerns the constant of the little g, "acceleration due to gravity". [Cfr., Clifford E. Swartz, Phenomenal Physics, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1981, pp101-102.]
"As we have seen, one the surface of the earth an object with mass m has a weight given by F = G (mM/R2), where M and R are the mass and radius of the earth. The quantity, GM/R2 is approximately a constant, and is given the symbol g. Actually, g is not a constant, partly because the radius of the earth varies from pole to equator, and partly because the centrifugal effect caused by the earth's rotation depends on latitude. The first effect reduces g at the equator (compared with the poles) by 0.18%; the second, effect ... reduces g by 0.34%. ... The weight of an object with mass m on the earth's surface is equal to mg. For instance, a 1 kg mass has a weight of (1 kg)(9.8 N/kg) = 9.8N.
"This number, 9.8 first appeared when we described objects falling freely at the surface of the earth. Any such object, regardless of mass, accelerates at a rate of 9.8 m/s2. Little g (as opposed to capital G, the universal gravitational constant) is usually called, :the acceleration due to gravity" and is assigned the units of m/s2." [Ibid., p.101].
As we observe the numbers of the fundamental physical constants, as that reviewed above by professor Swartz, we might consider such knowledge to be proper only to the more recent history of humankind's scientific endeavors. But, as we explore these numbers a little more, we begin to see the details and some of these constant expressions remind us of past knowledge. The 9.8 figure cited above does not help us visualize any particular relationship between past and present cognition. In fact, that is not the cited author's intention. The purpose of his helpful book on physics is quite simply that of teaching others; for which we are grateful.
But, let us turn our attention to the little g as expressed on different parts of the earth oblate globe. As professor Swartz explains in his excellent book, the (constant) numbers shall vary according to latitude, precisely due to the fact that the earth is not a perfect sphere. For our source of information, let us consult the 51st Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 1970-1971, Edited by Robert C. Weast, The Chemical Rubber Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 1970, p. F-144. (We also consulted the more recent edition of this work, but the older ones appear to have more detailed information, which has been lost in the later editions.)

(Source: 51st Handbook, Ibid., p. F-144.) |
In the previous chart, offered by the 51st Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, the 9.8 number offered by Swartz in his general analysis, is now presented in a precise manner as he himself explained it should be. The acceleration due to gravity at zero latitude on the Earth is cited as being 978.039 cm/sec2; this may be visualized as being rounded off to 9.8 fractal. However, the line of data that caught our eye concerns that of latitude 30, which is close to where the Great Pyramid is located. The little g at latitude 30 is cited as 979.329 cm/sec2 (or 32.1302 ft/sec2 ).
With that one immediately calls to mind half the value of the intriguing historically significant number from Nineveh, which is often cited in the literature. The Nineveh number is given as fractal 1959552c. Half of the Nineveh value would be fractal 979776c. The suspicion that this particular number, whose origin and meaning are unknown today, may be related to the acceleration due to gravity value of little g, is further enhanced when we note the length of the seconds pendulum also cited on this chart. (It may be added, that this particular datum is no longer accompanying the values for little g in the updated version of the 78th Handbook, and would therefore be missed.) The more complete information offered by the older Handbook reveals that the "Length of Seconds Pendulum" for Latitude 30 is 99.2268 centimeters.
The second most historically significant number cited for Nineveh in the literature, we must remember, is precisely that of 2268c, which we have discussed through the Earth/matriX series. One coincidence after another keeps piling up around the historically significant numbers and their fractal expressions in relation to today's fundamental physical constants.
With those two specific coincidences, one then wonders at what latitude might Nineveh be cited on the globe, and sure enough it is just above 35 latitude north, which would correspond closely to the 979.776 value. In other words, half the value of the Nineveh constant corresponds to a similar term as to the fundamental constant figure for its placement on the globe. As we review the table cited, we see that 35 latitude is given as 979.737, which is extremely close to half of the Nineveh figure (979.776). (The 78th Handbook gives a contemporary value of 979.732 instead of 979.737; and, it offers 979.036 instead of 979.039.}
In conclusion, the Nineveh number/fractal 1959552c is twice the little g that would correspond to the placement of Nineveh on the Earth's globe. We have seen in other Earth/matriX essays, that there is a world grid system, and Nineveh would lie squarely within this particular system. What is somewhat surprising is to see how the Nineveh number (fractal 1959552c) relates almost exactly to the corresponding "acceleration due to gravity" constant for the Nineveh site. In previous essays, we have seen how the Nineveh constant, 1959552c, relates to other physical aspects of reality. It would appear that the same/similar proportionality of matter-energy and its geometric/mathematical expression reflects the historically significant numbers and their fractal expression as well. The implications are such, that we might begin to view the ancient reckoning system as a source of knowledge for today's world, and not conceive it as a quirk of history.
Another coincidence of terms concerns the expression of the length of seconds pendulum in the English system, which is 39.0656 inches, as against the 99.2268 cm figure for the 30 latitude term. Again, one sees a correspondence of terms with the ancient maya companion number 1366560c [13.6656 - 39.0656 = 2.54]. With a little more imagination, one might think that a message is being communicated regarding the conversion factor (2.54c) used today for converting metric/English systems of measurement.
A fractal analysis of the numbers relating to the little g, acceleration due to gravity, and the ancient reckoning systems, reflects the possibility that the ancient Nineveh number may be a representation of said physical constant. Obviously, this coincidence of terms is going to be deemed simply that, a coincidence, with little significance given to it by most scholars. Others may be more inclined to further the study of the Nineveh numbers and their fractal expressions in relation to today's fundamental physical constants.
In our mind, the many varied relationships that we have been finding between today's fundamental physical constants and the historically significant numbers/fractals do not constitute happenstance. We are beginning to consider the possibility that the ancient reckoning system may have had many more ramifications than previously suspected.
©2001-2014 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.
The Nineveh Number and The Fundamental Constant "Acceleration Due to Gravity" (979.776 : 979.732)
March 1, 2001. Earth/matriX: Science in Ancient Artwork.