Science in Ancient Artwork

Venus Retrograde and the Lunation
Timing of the Earth's Moon

Charles William Johnson

  • Venus and the 354c day-count and the Sothic Cycle 1649.457812c number
  • Lunation and Venus' synodic cycle 584c
  • Lunation and the Great Pyramid of Giza baseline 756c
  • The Kawil 819c, Venus retrograde and the Maya Long-Count
  • The Precession and the Calendar Round : Venus (584c) and Earth (365.25)

    The 354c Day-Count

    Hanukkah falls on the 354th day of our calendar today. The 354c day-count is said to have been an ancient reckoning lunar count. In our studies, we have drawn attention to the Sothic Cycle and a number that appears to be encoded into the Sothic Calendar. As we have explained extensively in earlier essays, this particular number, 1649.457812 would appear to have distinct relationships with the ancient reckoning counts.

    It may well be that the ancients who reckoned as of the Sothic Cycle also made considerations with regard to the planet of Venus. Venus is recognized as being a key reckoning factor within the ancient Mesoamerican systems. The ancients in Mesoamerica employed a 584c and 585c day-count for the synodic cycle of Venus. It is also mentioned that the Maya employed an exact value for the average synodic orbital time of Venus at 583.92 days, which is the value cited today in most textbooks on astronomy for the apparent orbital time of Venus as viewed from Earth.

    Often, the planet Venus is referenced as representing the time clock of our solar system. In this manner, Venus is identified as one of the determining elements of the make-up of the solar system. From the ancient reckoning numbers in different ancient systems, the case may be that Venus was even more important than one may imagine. Consider some of the following observations that relate the different aspects of the Venus counts to the ancient reckoning numbers of historical significance.

    The first relationship that may be identified is that between the synodic orbital time of Venus and the 354c day-count.

    583.92 / 354 = 1.649491525 [remember the Sothic fractal 1649.457812]

    A relationship is immediately suggested between these two events, which might establish a factor similar to that of the Sothic Cycle number (1649.457812). The difference between the two factors is minimal:

    1.649491525 - 1.649457812 = .000033713

    In fact, if one were to employ the Sothic Cycle count [1.649457812] and the 354c, then the mean time for the synodic orbit of Venus would be 583.9080654, which is nearly exact. The significance of a factor such as the one shown would obviously merit encoding into one's calendar system, and we do not find it odd to consider such a recording of knowledge. As we have discussed in earlier essays, the mantissa [.457812] in the encoded Sothic number may share a reference to numbers related to the reciprocal of seven [.142857], inasmuch as it is suggestive thereof. For a more complete understanding of the factor of the Sothic Cycle, we invite the reader to examine our earlier essays.

    Venus may be even more significant than we have imagined until now. The sidereal orbital time for Venus is given today as being 224.701 days [expressed in Earth's orbital time], while its rotational time on its axis is given as 243.16 days [retrograde]. From these numbers quite intriguing events make their appearance.

    There are 24 hours (slightly less) in a day on Earth.

    243.16 days retrograde of Venus x 24 hrs Earth = 5835.84

    which may be better viewed as a multiple of the fractal expression 583/584 or, comparatively as 583.584 synodic orbital time of venus.

    The difference between the mean synodic orbital time and sidereal orbital time of Venus is

    583.92 - 224.701 = 359.219

    which is suggestive of the 360c day-count of the ancient Maya and Kemi.

    But, there is one relationship that deserves more attention, the difference in the day-count between the rotational and revolution timing of the planet Venus:

    243.16 - 224.701 = 18.459 days

    Now, consider the multiple series of the 18.459c day-count:

    [lunation of Earth's Moon:
    29.530589 days]

    The difference between the lunation value for the Earth's moon and the multiple expression within the difference of Venus' rotation and its synodic time is:

    29.5344 - 29.530589 = .003811

    In earlier essays, we have already discussed how the ancients viewed the 8:5 ratio between Earth's orbital time and Venus' orbital time, inasmuch as the 365c day-count if Earth represents multiples of the Venus synodic count [584c].

    365c 584c

    Now, by identifying the nearly exact relationship between the rotational time and the sidereal time of Venus, one may view a possible relationship between the orbital time of the Earth's moon and Venus. It were as though the retrograde movement of Venus is acting as a braking system on the Moon, synchronically with it own timing. The difference in the sidereal day-count and rotational time of Venus is nearly an exact multiple of the Moon's lunation time.

    In fact, the difference of .003811 is fractally that of an ancient Maya day-count expression [1143c days]:

    3811 x 3 = 11433

    Computations based on remainder math (the addition or subtraction of multiples of 1143c) would provide a translation from one count to the other. In this regard, one may also keep in mind the Nineveh 2268c count [1134c].

    Venus' retrograde rotational movement [243.16c days] and its sideral timing [224.701 days] harbors a differential value [29.5344c] that relates nearly exactly to the lunation day-count of the Moon [29.530589c].

    Further consider,

    295.344c days - 360c = 64.656 days

    295.344 - 365 = 69.656

    Here one is reminded of the Maya day-count companion number of 1366560c.

    An even more intriguing and significant relationship makes its appearance between the multiple of the difference 295.344c and the synodic Venus count:

    295.344 - 583.92 = 288.576 [note the Maya long-count fractals 72, 144, 288,576, 1152, 2304]

    Again, remainder math based upon the Maya long-count fractals would resolve these computations. The significant point is to note how the Maya long-count fractals appear here, not as part of the historical record, but as mediating values between physical events in the solar system, given the fact that the values of 295.344 and 583.92 are established in matter-energy.

    Undoubtedly, the physical values are relational to the historically significant values. For example, the ancient Mesoamerican peoples employed the 52c year-count calendar factor.

    224.701 x 52c
        1365264.185 - 1366560 = 1295.8146 difference

    a fractal value which is suggestive of the ancient Maya baktun and the Kemi count of 1296000c days.

    The 18459c is a multiple of a count that doubles to the side measurement of the Great Pyramid [756c]:

    75608064 [note combination of 756c and 4320c series fractal]

    In other words, the difference between Venus rotational retrograde timing and its sidereal timing is a nearly exact multiple of the side measurement of the Great Pyramid of Khufu; or viceversa.

    The lunation value of the Earth's Moon would yield a similar value:

    18456.61813 [fractal expression]
    75598307.84 [755.9830784 - 755.7909764 = .192102; a constant value of the 192c series; 192, 384, 768, etc.]

    The side measurement as given by the Egyptian Government in feet is 755.79 feet, and as discussed in earlier essays in the Earth/matriX series is cited as that of 755.7909764 feet.

    Another constant number series is that of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256c. The baseline of the side measurement of the Great Pyramid would then represent approximately 256c constant number series of the Earth's lunation value for the Moon:

    756 / 25.6 = 29.53125 or,

    755.7909764 / 25.6 = 29.52308502

    One may only wonder for now whether so many relationships are established by design or by happenstance within the laws of Nature. For example, consider the fractal multiples by relating the values cited above:

    243.16 / 224.701
        .135268646 [52c x 26 = 1352c]
    224.701 / 243.16
        .01443886 [Maya long-count 144c; 3888c]

    819 count

    The Maya had the kawil count of 819c days.

    819 - 243.16 = 575.84 [576c Maya long-count fractal]

    Were one to round off the values, as the ancients appeared to have avoided the fractional expressions, the following obtains:

    819 - 243 = 576c

    All three of these values are historically significant within the ancient Mesoamerican reckoning system.

    Ancient Kemi relational numbers, that are found in the historical record, may be:

    351 + 243 = 594c

    This becomes even more suggestive when we consider another almost perfect match for the Maya companion number 1366560 and its division by 9.

    1366560 / 9 = 151840

    243.16 + 151.84 = 395c

    In this manner the 151840c couples exactly with the cited count for the retrograde rotational value of Venus.

    The Precession

    Within all of these relationships, there may be one that is even more significant. This concerns the synodic timing of Venus and the sidereal timing of Earth's orbit. The ancient Mesoamericans employed a calendar round of 18980c days. [Obviously, this count reminds us immediately of a higher value for the baseline of the Great Pyramid: 189.8, 379.6, 759.2c, instead of the 189, 378, 756c count.]

    18980 / 365 days = 52c years

    18980 / 584c = 32.5c years (or, x2 = 65c, 130, 260c]

    In this manner, we see how the 260c day-count calendar of the ancient Maya may have come into play:

    18980 / 260 = 73c [73 / 2 = 36.5c]

    Obviously, the 18980c was selected for its relational function between the 260c, 360c and 365c day-count calendars and its relationship to the Venus 584c. Much of this has been explained in previous Earth/matriX essays.

    One may even comprehend how these numbers relate to the Precession of the Earth, often cited as the Platonic Cycle of 25920c years (adjusted from the 26000c year-cycle).

    18980 / 585c Venus synodic = 32.44444 [ 64.88888, 129.77778]

    1296 x 2 = 2592c [precession fractal value]

    These are functions cited as of the ancient reckoning counts. If one takes such values and considers the number of days in the precession period, we find the following:

    26000 x 365.25 = 9496500 days in the Precession theoretically

    But, since the precession loses a revolution, then the Great Cycle of the Platonic Cycle has been cited as being more accurate:

    25920 x 365.25 = 9467280 days

    25956 x 365.25 = 9480429 days [the Maya value given for the precession]

    The interesting point to consider at this stage of our analysis has nothing to do with the ancient reckoning system. We may consider only the day-counts of the planets Earth and Venus in order to derive a fractal value for the day-count of the precession:

    583.92 + 365.25 = 949.17 days

    584 + 365.25 = 949.25

    Now, consider:

    1898.5 [calendar round 1898c fractal]
    15188 [Maya companion fractal number 15184c]

    The sum of the values for the synodic count of Venus' apparent orbital time and the sidereal count of Earth's orbital time yield a value very near the fractal number of days in the precession and the ancient calendar round. We have lost count of the number of coincidences within the fractal expressions of matter-energy, and their relationship to the ancient historically significant reckoning counts. But, one comes away from such an analysis with the impression that these fractal expressions are by design; either by design within matter-energy or by design from cognitive intervention.


    ©2003-2012 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. Earth/matriX: Science in Ancient Artwork,

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