The Pluto / Sun Relationship and
the Thermodynamic Temperature Scale

Pluto and Sun, Temperature  Scale

When the freezing point of water is taken as unit 1.0, then the boiling point is 1.3661 on that temperature scale. Consider: 373.15 kelvin divided by 273.15 kelvin, the boiling and freezing points of water respectively, the ratio 1.366099213 or 1.3661 obtains.

The difference between the boiling and freezing points of water on that particular temperature scale is then .3661 fractal. That sounds familiar as it represents a fractal expression of the average orbital radius of Pluto, 3660 million miles. Significantly, the reciprocal of .3660 (or .3661) is roughly the fractal of the freezing point of water on the kelvin scale (2.73224 and 2.73149 respectively).

That means that the average orbital diameter of the solar system, double the average orbital radius of Pluto is 7320 million miles, whose reciprocal then is 1.3661 fractal. The scale of the solar system, the relation Sun/Pluto reflects the ratio of the thermodynamic temprature scale.

Some may consider these numbers to be random coincidence, while others may perceive a relationship of matter-energy and its behavior in the compared ratios. In my mind, one might expect the scale of the solar system would reflect the scale of matter-energy at the level of thermodynamic temperatures.

Entry.- The average orbital diameter of the solar system, the Pluto/Sun relationship [7320 million miles], is fractally relational to the thermodynamic temperature scale, absolute zero [0.00] to the boiling point of water [1.3661]. Given the fact: 1 / 7320 = 1.366120219 fractal.

© 2006-2013 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All rights reserved.

Earth/matriX: Science in Ancient Artwork Series ISSN-1526-3312
©1995 - 2014 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson and Jorge Luna Martinez. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any from is prohibited. All of the content text, images, drawings, designs and material ideas on this web-site may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, copied, or redistributed by any means or in any form. Contact the owners, Charles William Johnson and Jorge Luna Martinez
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