![]() Measuring Space-time/MovementCharles William Johnson In measuring spacetime/movement, mass and distance are all important. Kepler's laws are determinant in this regard, and we shall discuss them in this essay. We shall be concerned with the orbital timing of the planets and their distances from the Sun. This theme concerns mainly Kepler's Third Law: "The squares of the periodic times of the planets are proportional to the cubes of their mean distances."
The law has been cited in many variations of wording, and even presented in distinct ways. Kepler presented the simple version of T2 / r3 = proportion In this case, T refers to the orbital timing of the planetary body and r refers to the radius of the planet itself. Within celestial mechanics, another presentation is often cited for this particular law. Planetary body a T2 : r3 = proportion Planetary body b T2 : r3 = proportion In this comparative case of planets, the proportion of each is nearly equal to that of the other. Let us take the fractal expression of the mean distances of the planets and translate them into Kepler's Third Law:
The proximity of values is astonishing. And, if one visualizes the orbit of Pluto, which dips inside that of Neptune, then the exception case (Pluto) seems to explain itself.
In previous essays, we have shown how there exists a symmetry within the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars), and this symmetry also appears in the values expressed in the cited relationship above. Kepler's Laws, like so many others in science, are mathematical expressions of relations of spacetime/movement. Consider Newton's Law of Gravitation for a moment, regarding the intensity of gravity that corresponds to and varies with "the product of their [two particles] masses and inversely as the squares of their distance apart". Mass refers to concept of space, and "distance" refers to concepts of movement. The mathematical expression simply deals with numbers that equal out in equations, whereby time/distance and space/distance are found to be related or relational through numbers. Authors such as Forest Ray Moulton (An Introduction ot Celestial Mechanics, Dover, New York, 1970), have pointed out, that little or nothing is stated about the problem of what is space and what is time much less, why should space-time be relational to movement in such strict numerical proportions, The relationship of spacetime/movement to matter-energy and the expression of proportion may be found in strange events. Consider the following example, whereby one finds at the heart of this particular relationship a coincidence with one of the ancient, maya companion numbers (1366560). In previous essays, we have examined the existence of a similar number in the polar/equatorial radii of the Earth. Now, we find it once more, but in relation to that of the Earth's Moon. The polar radius of the Moon in kilometers is 1737.4 as cited by NASA, while that of the Earth is cited as being 6356.8 kilometers. Now, consider the following relationship of proportion.
One immediately asks whether the ancient maya knew of such a relationship of proportion between the Earth and its moon. Possibly the maya did know this relationship, and possibly they did not. We shall probably never know given the silence of the historical record of the maya cultures, whose records have undergone all kinds of destructive activity. And, the records that still remain today, we are not certain as to their interpretation and reading. For example, the Dresden Codex day-counts of 236c are interpreted as pertaining to that of the planet Venus, when they might refer (as well) to the Metonic cycle (ca. 235c year-count). At this time, it is difficult to say exactly what is encoded into the historical record of the maya. The historical record has been viewed more from the mythological perspective than for its possible scientific content. And, even when one does examine the historical record in a search for scientific knowledge, generally, the search involves the most basic prejudices; that the ancients simply mimicked what they saw occurring in the sky. The point is, however, that the ancients may have been counting only time in their ancient reckoning as so many authors has fiercely defended. For, it is difficult to believe that the ancients knew of such events or measurements; they simply did not possess the technology for such cognitive feats. Certainly, they may have had the input from some alien culture, coming from another planetary system. Such a possibility requires study as well. But, in the meantime, an important idea may be obtained from the numerical expressions relating distinct events of matter-energy, and spacetime/movement. Consider the fact that if one analyzes and measures time, then, one is immediately analyzing and measuring space; and, if one analyzes and measures spacetime, then, consequently one is analyzing and measuring movement. Inasmuch as spacetime/movement exists as we know it, it is impossible to measure one within the other. Therefore, if the ancients correctly measured time-events, then, with that they immediately achieved measuring space-events. For time-events are space-events and space-events are time-events. One set of events does not exist without the other. Therefore, if the ancients measured a day-count of 1366560 days, we should not be surprised to find in nature a relationship of distance/movement (v.gr., radii) a similar/same relationship of measurement. The symmetry of the orbital timing of the planets, such as that of Earth and Venus (8 : 5), should not be surprising in viewing a similar symmetry of average, mean distances among the inner planets, as we have discussed in other essays. In other words, a symmetry in time (orbital periods) should necessarily, by definition, imply a symmetry of space (mass) and distance (movement). For example, let us look at the mass times mass relationship that lies at the basis of the law of gravity for the planetary bodies. If we multiply, as Newton's law of gravitation proposes, the mass of one planet against that of another, in a sequential order of the solar system, the following values obtain:
Now, observe the pattern established by obtaining the difference between each of these values:
Now, let us round off the difference simply to offer a more discernible view of the pattern.
The first four differences produce the sum of 1079327.7, while the second set of values produces the sum of 1087193 rounded off (a difference between the two figures of 7865.3). Some authors off the previously cited values (.0398 for kilometers) with an average value of 1.66 for that same expression in miles. Strangely enough, fractals 1.66 x .0398 = .066068, which reminds us of the fractal value for Planck's Constant (ca., .6626). One finds it difficult to believe that the relations of matter-energy continue to produce values that resemble the ancient reckoning numbers/fractals. Consider simply multiplying Earth's time and distance values together:
And, obviously, one may work with the reciprocal of these relationships:
With this the values reflect the exception produced in the math of Pluto. If we employ Kepler's third law for the relation of Mercury to the other planets within the solar system, a definite pattern of numerical progression and proportion obtains:
Now, if we examine the relationship of proportion between Earth and Venus, something significant arises regarding the ancient reckoning numbers/fracals. As it is well known, Venus played a significant role within the ancient reckoning systems around the world. Therefore, to find a relationship between this particular comparison is not surprising.
Even the 378c reflects historically significant counts from the ancient Sothic system. Consider the following possible relationships:
And, again, the reciprocal of 378c portrays a significant relationship. 1 / .378 = 2.645502646 which when doubled leads to multiples of 693502.6455 (Sothic, 693c). One may obviously make adjustments in order to obtain rounded off values. The relationships are surprisingly common. One finds that the longitude of the ascending node of the solar equator is represented as 75.76 degrees. The solar irradiance (W/m2) for the Earth is cited by NASA as being 1367.6c. [One should note that this particular so-called "solar constant" also varies in its value, but for now we shall simply accept the NASA value given.] The difference between this value and that of the maya companion number/fractal (1366560) is yet another ancient Meso-American count. 1367.6 - 1366.56 = 1.04 [Twice the calendar round fractal 52c] The 1367.6 fractal doubles very nearly to the Venus synodic cycle number (584.92c): 584.96636 One cannot help but note that the solar constant, 1367.6 reflects one of the multiples for the Legen of the Four Suns, that of 676c.
Such a value (1314c) looks familiar. If we take the length of the equator of the Earth to be 24901.55 miles, as it is often cited, then, 24901.55 x 5280 feet (per mile) = 131480184 feet One is not surprised to view a strict relationship between the solar constant, the circumference of the Earth and ancient reckoning values, especially when the 104c value is twice one of the internal solar rotation counts (26c). The value 1.38888889 is nothing more than the reciprocal of the maya long-count: 1 / 1.3888888889 = 72c [36, 72, 144, 288, 576, 1152, 2304] One suspects that the ancients employed the reciprocal extensively throughout their computations, even though the historical record does not attest to this specifically. Consider the baseline (756c of the Great Pyramid), that we have analyzed in the ancient kemi system, regarding the 13689c.
The sidereal orbital time for Earth is often cited as theoretically being 365.2563835 days, a difference of .000392 with previous fractal value.
One suspects that even the 756c baseline count of the Great Pyramid concerns the precession of the Earth.
One should not be surprised, then, to discover relationships such as 1959552c / 756c = 2592c [Precession, 25920c Platonic Cycle) The maya precession count has been cited as having been 25956c years. Consider this expression with the maya count of 576c: 576 x 25956 = 14950656 [suggestive of the 149.6 Earth distance] We have drawn attention to the fact that the ancient kemi employed the 756c and the ancient maya employed a 576c day-count. The coincidence of terms if far too coincidental, especially, when we realize that there also existed an ancient count from Nineveh based on a 567c.
Now, let us simply take the ancient Meso-American count from the Legend of the Four Suns, that of 2028c years, and the maya long count period of 1872000 days.
What if we employed the Meso-American count of the calendar round of 18980c days, instead of the kemi 189c; then, the difference at the level of computation between this number and that of the k'awil would be relational to the Sothic 693c. The ancient reckoning counts from different reckoning systems around the globe are relational, and work to produce other meaningful counts. Just how significant the calendar round may be comes to light when we consider that it is related to the concept of pi and the anti-radian.
Consider the number for the anti-radian, as we have proposed to view it in other essays:
114.591559 minus 360 degrees = 302.7042205 [anit-radian] Once again, adjustments may be made in order to vary the values for pi, the anti-radian, and the calendar round. There may have possibly been another method of computation involved with the 378c. The square root of 378 is 19.4422221 If the ancients avoided fractions and retained whole numbers, then, one could imagine a computational adjustment expressed as:
Now, considering that 3888 was an ancient historically significant count, then, one could image as well,
A most interesting computation involves doubling the 755.8272c number until we reach a multiple of:
The number of possible computations are infinite. If one adds on to the past 5000 years the number of seconds lost within Earth's periodicity count, number obtain that lead to 1168.99936c fractal, which when squared produces the like:
One begins to obtain the impression that the maya companion numbers (1366560, 1385540) may certainly be super numbers as some claim. We have seen that the relationship of the thermodynamic temperature scale reflects a 1.366c. The gas constant is cited as a fractal number of 1.368c. The solar constant revolves around 1367.6c. The polar radii of the Earth and Moon reflect an exact 136656.808 count. The solar system nearly reflects a reciprocal count of both maya companion numbers (1366560 and 1385540). The 260c and 360c day-calendars of the ancient reckoning system reflects a similar 1.384615385c relationship, which in turn reflects that of the Sun's internal rotation (26c – 36c days). 18980c / 1.38888889 = 13665.59999 [18980c, 1366560c maya] 105c / 1.38888889 = 75.59999994 [105c, 756c kemi counts] The list is apparently unending. In other words, the numbers and their fractal expressions coming out of the ancient reckoning systems are not simply relational to one another, but over and above that, the numbers and their mathematical expression within matter-energy (space-time/movement) are similarly related. The realm of coincidence does not lie within solely the ancient reckoning systems, but rather pertains to the numbers and their fractal expression within the Universe as well. The ancient reckoning numbers/fractals reflect the very mathematical expression of matter-energy (space-time/movement). ©2000-2013 Copyrighted by Charles
William Johnson. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited. Earth/matriX:
Science in Ancient Artwork. *** Measuring Space-time/Movement