Science in Ancient Artwork


by Charles William Johnson

Science in Ancient Artwork Series
New Orleans, Louisiana.


The different calendrical day-counts of 260c and 360c appear to be easily and evenly related to numbers repressenting events within the Universe. The numbers that relate to and represent the velocities of the Earth and the Sun, alongwith the speed of light, relate to the maya long count through whole cycle computations. The data would seem to suggest that the ancient reckoning system of Mesoamerica could be employed to account for computations of these different astronomical events within the solar system and within the Universe.

Dedicated to Pablo González Casanova H.

Table of Contents

The Numbers of the Universe and
the Ancient Reckoning System of Mesoamerica

  • Introduction
  • The Numbers of the Universe
  • Relationships in Numbers
  • The Precession of the Equinoxes in the Numbers of the Universe
  • Observations

The Numbers of the Universe and the Ancient
Reckoning System of Mesoamerica

Charles William Johnson


There may appear to be four sets or kinds of numbers that may be seen in the historical record of the ancient reckoning system of Mesoamerica. There are the numbers that reflect material events of reality (orbital times and distances). Then, secondly, there are those numbers that may represent mathematical computations (formulae, such as multiples, constants). Thirdly, there are numbers that seem to have been chosen for a particular purpose and thereby assigned a significant meaning (cycle numbers). And, finally, the fourth set of numbers would be those that result from the interplay of the previous three categories of numbers.

At time it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish the category from which a number might derive, given that events and computations may produce interchangeable numbers. In such instances, an analysis of the context of each number would be required. However, such a procedure is beyond the scope of this particular essay. Herein we should simply like to explore possible relationships of some of the numbers coming from these four categories. We shall explore the nature of the numbers and their computations, not only from the perspective of time (cycles), but from the perspective of space (distance) and movement (velocity) of some of the astronomical events that appear to have been the concern of the ancient reckoning system of Mesoamerica.

In a previous essay (Earth/matriX No. 36), we have already shown how the maya long count numbers coincide exactly with the distances in miles reflected in the numbers of the solar system in some respects. We shall explore in greater detail now further relationships along this same line of analysis. The logic of the numbers of the ancient reckoning system would appear to reflect relationships that achieve comparisons for distances and velocities of the Sun and the Earth, alongwith other bodies within the solar system. In fact, the numbers would appear to reflect some of the essential aspects and measurements of the Universe; especially, the numbers that correspond to the measurement in light-years (186,000 miles per second).

At present, we are not concerned with the manner in which or how the maya or other peoples of Mesoamerica may have achieved such computations. An exploration into the methods employed would require an equal number of essays as those required to simply explore the relationships of numbers that appear to exist.

The Numbers of the Universe

It has often been stated that the Creator is first and foremost a mathematician. Scientists have said such statements because of the manner in which spacetime obeys numbers or reflects the logic of numbers. In fact, the logic of numbers is but a reflection and faithful representation of the spacetime/movement coordinates of matter/energy. Reality would appear to have to obey the numbers, because the numbers obey reality; reality produces the numbers and their logic of relationships.

Such an essential feature of reality can never be ignored, and would appear has never been ignored in any culture. Both science and art reflect the laws of spacetime. The coordinates of spacetime produce the numbers and their interplay. The Universe is a manifestation of spacetime. And, there are specific numbers that reflect the Universe's is particular level of existence. Let us look at some of those numbers in the light of the ancient reckoning system of Mesoamerica.

The Earth travels 1,608,000 miles in one day (24 hours). The Sun travels during that same time frame 11,520,000 miles. And, at a much greater velocity, light travels at 186,000 miles per second, covering 16,070,400,000 miles in a single day. These are some of the numbers of the Universe; fixed rates of speed of the solar system and one of its planetary bodies (Earth), alongwith the velocity of light itself. In a sense one may consider these numbers or rates of speed to represent constants as well, since they would appear to be invariant over long stretches of time. Under specific conditions, such may not be the case, but a discussion of the variable rate of speed of the Sun, the Earth or, especially that of light, would not be relevant to our subject at this point. At a later date it may be required to enter into just such an analysis however in order to better comprehend the measurement of spacetime.

For now, let us accept these numbers as being representative of those pertaining to events within the Universe. A most significant fact is that one of the numbers, that of 11,520,000 pertains to a number within the maya long count. (1,152,000,000 days). For this reason alone it becomes relevant to consider the possibility that the ancient maya developed their computational system as of the numbers of the Universe, the cosmos, as so many scholars have pointed out already. However, it may be the case that the ancient maya not only counted time-cycles (orbital times of the solar system), but also may have counted distances, spatial coordinates, and movement, or relational coordinates (of spacetime). The numbers would seem to suggest that they were cognizant of the speed of light; something that extremely few scholars might be even willing to review.

We should realize that our knowledge of the past is sketchy at best, whereby we have had to piece together a comprehensible image of what life may have been like thousands of years ago. Based on such an obviously sketchy image of the past, it is sometimes difficult to understand how many scholars appear to be so certain about the way things may have been or not have been. In the Earth/matriX series of essays, we have taken care in not proposing any definite interpretations, but have limited ourselves to pointing out relationships that the artwork and the ancient reckoning systems appear to suggest. For, even when some of the relationships appear to be extremely obvious, we consider that it would be daring to state that that may have been the way things actually existed. In fact, we may never really know exactly how or why events occurred as they did, or whether they even actually occurred. That is a characteristic of time; the past somehow belongs to the past and may not be observed; even in the case of light waves/particles that are just now reaching us from the outer depths of the Universe of stars that have long since ceased to exist. We shall never 'see' them, as they no longer exist; we shall only be able to observe the reflection of their existence in their now spent light waves/particles. That is what is so intriguing about the Universe that we live in; now you see it, now you don't. It is almost like magic, and the numbers of the Universe seem to convey a similar feeling, almost to the point that the reader may obtain the idea that the numbers are playing tricks on us.

But, that is also what is great about numbers: anyone can get out their pocket calculator (one does not need a computer here) and check the numbers. And, as we shall see, the numbers check.

Relationships in Numbers

The Universe exists as spacetime. Spacetime can be translated (within limits) into numerical/mathematical expressions and relationships. Hence, the Universe and events occurring therein may be expressed in numbers. Some numbers reflect those events: the speed of the Earth revolving around the Sun has been identified as 67,000 miles per hour; the speed of the Sun moving throughout the Universe/galaxy has been clocked at 480,000 miles per hour; and, the speed of light reaches a phenomenal 186,000 miles per second or, 669,600,000 miles per hour. Interestingly, light waves/particles travel 1395 times faster than the speed of the Sun; exactly 1395 times faster.

Then, there are numbers that are more difficult to comprehend their origin. For example, as we have been discussing with respect to the ancient reckoning system of time, different day-counts exist. Now, 144 cycles of 260c equal 37440 days; while 65 cycles of 360c equal 23400 days. The more interesting point is that the totals 37440 in relation to 23400 represent a .625 ratio:

23400/37440 = .625

Throughout the Earth/matriX series we have called attention to the significant ratio .625 for obtaining calculations regarding the 225c sidereal orbit of Venus with respect to the maya long count (360c). The numbers cited in this example would appear to be more difficult to agree upon their significance or origin. The historical record accounts for some of the numbers; computations account for others.

The significant point at this moment is to recognize the possibility that computational numbers suggested by the numbers found in the historical record may harbor direct relationships to the numbers that reflect space timrevents within the Universe such as the speed of light waves/particles.

It is easy to understand that the speed of the Sun revolving around on its axis travelling throughout the galaxy (480,000 mph) may be related to the ancient reckoning system, because the fractal of 480000, 48 represents a number found in the historical record as a multiple of twelve (12, 24, 48, 96, etc.). Therefore, any numbers that may ressemble that integer could be attributed easily to simple coincidence. But, then there are other examples that are more intriguing as we shall discuss. Consider, for example, the diameter of the Sun: 864,000 miles. The length of the radius of the Sun's diameter is 432,000 miles; the number 432 is a number also to be found in the historical record and has been identified as representing the consecration. Other numbers appear relevant: the number 1296 is found in many different cultures. When we subtract 864 from 1296, one obtains also 432. We are working with fractals because the ancient peoples appear to have conceived a similar method of operation in their computations. Nine times 864 yields 7776, another significant fractal found in Teotihuacan (Harleston). An event more is tunning example obtains when one divides the Platonic year, the Great Year of 25,920 by 864:

25,920 divided by 864 = 30

The division yields an even number. Immediately, one wonders whether a physical relationship could exist between the time-cycle of 25,920 years and the spatial dimension of the Sun's diameter of 864,000 miles. Or, whether such a relationships is mere coincidence. Wonderment continues as one realize that the 2160 mile diameter for the Earth's moon represents half the fractal of 432. In fact, one is the face of a numerical progression that may be expressed by the method of duplatio/mediato:


or, one may obtain a numerical progression based on the 216c:
Moon fractal
Consecration number; Sun's radius

Sun's diameter fractal

number from various cultures; fractal

Moon's diameter

Platonic year fractal

216 Moon fractal 432 Consecration number; Sun's radius 648 864 Sun's diameter fractal 1080 1296 number from various cultures; fractal 1512 1728 1944 2160 Moon's diameter 2376 2592 Platonic year fractal

From the above-cited progression one may observe many distinct and seemingly unrelated numbers suddenly appear to take on relevance with respect to one another. If one continues the progression, other numbers from the historical record take on significance as well:

		2592	Platonic year fractal
		3024	The Great Pyramid's perimeter measurement

Even more interesting is to note that fractals of cycle numbers appear where one might not expect them. The Sun travels 11,520,000 miles in a single 24-hour period, at a velocity of 480,000 miles/hour:

480,000 divided by 11,520,000 = .041666666666

The number/fraction .04166666 represents a fractal of 416c which is a cycle number for the 365c (365 x 416 = 151840).

If one relates the 11,520,000 figure to the 225c of the sidereal orbit of Venus then one obtains a fractal of the Platonic year once more:

11,520,000 x 225 = 2,592,000,000

By employing the floating decimal place, it is easy to obtain the exact figure for the Planotic year:

11,520,000 x .00225 = 25,920

The number of days that the Sun travels throughout the galaxy may also be related to the K'awil count of 819c in the following manner:

		  11,520,000 x 819 = 9,434,880,000 (miles)

	9,434,880,000 divided by 364c = 25,920,000 (Platonic year fractal)

		9,434,880,000 divided by 260c = 36,288,000

The number 36,288,000 may not be immediately recognizable, but it is 16,000 times the figure 2268, a significant fractal found in Teotihuacan (the length measurement of the pyramidal site; Harleston).

Now, how could such numbers be related to the maya long count numbers as well, could be exemplified in the following illustration: let us take the fractals that refer to the measurement of the Sun's velocity (480,000, or multiples of 12), in relation to the numerical progression based on the 216c, which in fact represents the 54c:

216 108 54c

Multiples of 12 216c (54c) Total 54c maya long count fractals
96 x 1296 = 124416 /54 = 2304
48 x 2592 = 124416 /108 = 1152
24 x 5184 = 124416 /216 = 576
12 x 10368 = 124416 /432 = 288
etc. /864 = 144
/1728 = 72
/3456 = 36

Although one appears to be relating distinct numerical counts to one another, such as the 12c, 216c, 54c, and 36c, in fact, one is basically relating multiples of the 12c (also 36c) to the 54c (also 216c). Yet, it is significant to observe how the 216c numerical progression is related to the maya long count progression of the 360c. The lists of multiples may be rolled upwards/downwards in order to obtain distinct ratios among themselves.

The Precession of the Equinoxes in the Numbers of the Universe

The Platonic year, or the Great Year, of 25,920 years has been cited as a figure related to the event determined as the precession of the equinoxes. Today, the Great Year is cited as being 25,800 years (Earth time; approximately, 365.2421987 days in a year). The precession constant, which has varied over the millenia in the methods of computation, is generally employed/multiplied against the figure 360 in order to obtain the number of years in a Great Year (Goldstein, 1994). It has varied from 72.5, through 72, until reaching a figure close to the 71.666666664 figure that allows for the following calculation:

360 x 71.6666666664 = 25,799.9999999...

However, it would appear that the very numbers of the Universe might offer alternative methods for comprehending the precession constant.

One might consider offhand, how the 225c sidereal count of Venus could be employed. Venu's orbit is considered to be near perfect clockwork for the solar system, as well as that of the moon, which were employed in ancient times. Consider the following method:

225c x 11,520,000 = 2,592,000,000
		    2,592,000,000 divided by 360 = 7,200,000

The figure 72 (fractal) may be employed as a precession constant for the Platonic year fractal of 25,920 years.

Furthermore, in 225 days, the sun travels 2,592,000,000 miles (the Platonic year fractal). How significant is it that the Platonic year of 25,920 years cited long ago reflects a fractal of the amount of space covered by the Sun in exactly 225 days (the sidereal orbit of Venus).

Let us then compare the relationship of the velocity of the Sun and the speed of light: in a single day, as we have mentioned, the Sun travels 11,520,000 miles; while light waves/particles travel 16,070,400,000 miles. Nos, consider:

		11,520,000 divided by 16,070,400,000 = .00071684587

In the above example, the figure .00071684587 is extremely close to that of a precession constant:

		360 x 71.684587 = 25,806.45132 (the decimal point floats)

There would appear to exist a definite relationship between the speed of light and the Sun's velocity regarding a precessional constant.

Another variant of the precession constant fractal may be obtained without much effort, in fact, simply by relating the corresponding velocities of the Sun and Earth expressed in miles/hour:

480,000 divided by 67,000 = 71.6417910447

The Sun travels at 480,000 mph, and the Earth at 67,000 mph; their relationship reveals a fractal of the precession constant as well.

360 x 71.6417910447 = 25,791.044776

These totals are terribly close to the 25,800 year cycle cited today by astronomers (Beatty, 1990). These numbers reflect relations that exist in spacetime.

The numbers 360c and 260c were chosen numbers within the ancient reckoning system, numbers that were chosen by design, evidently based upon a knowledge of the Universe.

There are 8640 hours in a year of 360 days:

8640 x 480,000 mph = 4,147,200,000 miles

The Sun travels 4,147,200,000 miles in a 360c year:

4,147,200,000 divided by 360 = 11,520,000 miles/day

There are 6240 hours in a year of 260 days:

6240 x 480,000 mph = 2,995,200,000 miles

The Sun travels 2,995,200,000 miles in a 260c year:

2,995,200,000 divided by 260 = 11,520,000 miles/day

But, when we divide this figure by 360, we obtain the 52c fractal/cycle of the ancient reckoning system:

2,995,200,000 divided by 360 = 8,320,000
4,160,000 2,080,000 1,040,000 520,000 260,000 130,000

In other words, the 260c division produces the maya long count fractal of 1152; and, the 360c division produces the 260c fractal of the 104c. All of this occurs with respect to the numbers of the Universe (the speed of light, the velocity of the Sun) and the ancient reckoning system's own number sets.

The maya long count numbers are obviously related to the numbers that relate to the speed of the Sun (11,520,000 miles/day; 230,400,000 miles/20-day month). Let us see how they perform regarding the speed of light based on a 365c day-count. Light travels in 365 days, 5,865,696, 000,000 miles:

5,865,696,000,000 divided by 2304 fractal = 25458750 fractal
1152 576 288 144 72 36 =
5091750 1018350 203670 407340 814680 1629360

In this manner, it becomes obvious that the 365c of the speed of light is easily and evenly related in numbers to the 360c maya long count.


The 260c and the 360c of the ancient reckoning systems of Mesoamerica have often been referred to as representing errors in calculating the Earth's orbit around the Sun. That is a fair conclusion because we know now that the Earth actually takes longer to revolve completely once around the Sun on its orbital path. Furthermore, many scholars deny the possibility that the ancient peoples, such as the maya, may have even conceived of the idea of 'orbits' of the planetary bodies within our solar system

Yet, the numbers cited in the ancient reckoning system would appear to present a logic of their own, a logic that would appear to be very much in accord with the spacetime events and their coordinate happening not only within our solar system, but beyond into the outer depths of the Universe itself. The case may be, however, that not only did the ancient maya know exactly the amount of time it took for the Earth to orbit the Sun, but they may have known the time-cycle more referred to as the Great Year (the Platonic year), the precession of the equinoxes, the velocity or speed of the Earth, that of the Sun, and, possibly even the speed of light. Such a possibility may seem difficult to accept or even entertain. Yet, the numbers of the ancient reckoning system easily accomodate the astronomical data of all of those levels cited herein.

If such were the case, then an obvious conclusion might be that someone coming from another part of the galaxy or the Universe "gave them" this knowledge. From our understanding of the logic of the numbers, that would not appear to be the case, since the method employed and the manner in which the numbers are related, would seem to reflect a very tedious and laborious procedure, having been worked out over the millenia. Maybe the maya were visited by peoples from other parts of the Universe; we may never know that for a fact. But, the numbers are sufficient to show that they had already worked out their own computational system of spacetime reckoning; precisely, not only the reckoning of time, but the reckoning of space and movement.

Charles William Johnson

Science in Ancient Artwork Nš.37
The Numbers of the Universe and the Ancient Reckoning System of Mesoamerica
1 November 1995
1995-2012 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All Rights Reserved
Reproduction prohibited without written consent of the author.

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