by Charles William Johnson

Symbolic Math in the Aztec Calendar

©2003 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson

In this illustration, we have blackened out the rectangular shaped elements of the design in the Aztec Calendar. We have been suggesting ways in which the different elements may represent and reflect certain day/year/cycle counts of the ancient calendrical system of the Aztecs and other Mesoamerican cultures. Let us discuss one significant symbolic relationship of these elements in math. .........................................................................................................

The Aztec Calendar: Math and Desig


In the book The Aztec Calendar: Math and Design, Charles William Johnson examines the possible relationships between mathematics and geometry. The historically significant numbers may reflect progressions which in turn may be translated into geometrical figures and designs. No one knows for certain how the Aztec Calendar may have been read or interpreted. Its simbolic design is striking and has intrigued scholars for centuries. The Aztec Calendar: Math and Design explores the stone's elements and rings in relation to their spatial divisions in an attempt to discern a possible method of computation, using the historically significant numbers of the ancient reckoning system. The book promotes the existence of specific mathematical posits that the geometrical spatial division of the calendar's elements appear to obey.

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212 Pages
ISBN 1-58616-375-2
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ISBN 1-58616-182-2

Tape Bound
8" x 11"

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