The Schemata of the Elements

by Charles William Johnson

The Periodic Schemata of the Eelements

A Pattern of Opposition in Symmetry

"Beyond the Periodic Table" by Ann Morcos:
Many new patterns of symmetry are being revealed for the first time with the color-code schemata that maintain the numerical sequence.


The Periodic Schemata of the Elements

By Charles William Johnson

The Mendeleev-based periodic table of the elements currently in use, represents the result of much thought and research about the elements and their atomic nature. The table of the elements reflects the atomic number of the elements and their periodicity. The periodicity, which reflects the manner in which the shells and sub-shells of the atoms are filled by electrons, represents only one particular aspect about the elements.

The conventional periodic table reflects what is called the aufbau design, which represents a progression of numbers; in this case, that of the atomic number of the elements. The table, however, contradicts the aufbau concept in reality, because there are large gaps within among the primary (representative) elements, as well as in relation to the tertiary elements (transition and inner transition elements). The latter case, the Lanthanoids and the Actinoids, lie completely outside of the main body of the periodic table, thereby effectively breaking down the aufbau design.

Because of the fragmented placement of the elements within the conventional periodic table, it is impossible to visualize certain patterns concerning data related to the elements and their atoms. In fact, the Mendeleev-based table can only convey a half dozen or so visualizations of the charteristics of the elements, such as covalent radii, temperature, shells, valences, in addition to a few others.

Furthermore, the fact that the atoms/elements are presented in a block-like formation, does not allow the concept of periodicity to be expressed upon the conventional table, other than in terms of the abstracted numbers. There is no spacing between the periodicity of a proportional nature that might convey the idea of the periods.

Our studies in ancient artwork have led to re-conceptualize the layout of the periodic table. At first, our intention was simply to bring the Lanthanide and Actinide series into the main body of the table. We based our studies upon the idea of conceiving the electron configuration of the atoms/elements from an ideal position. We constructed an electron count that would eliminate, or re-accommodate the so-called irregularities in the electron configuration of the atoms.

Once we re-structured the arrangement of the atoms/elements according to this ideal count, we then realized that a totally distinctive schematic design appeared. We have called this design the schema. The reason for assigning the re-structuring a distinct name is that the schema accommodates much more information than the Mendeleev-based table. The schema accommodates the concept of periodicity, as well as, many other aspects of the elements, which are unavailable for viewing on the current periodic table.

In other words, had we continued to call it simply "the" or "a" periodic table, we would not be conveying the idea of the additional data that may be registered on the schema. Therefore, in the complete study, we present different schemata, which treat many other aspects of the elements and their atoms; not just that of periodicity.

The schema design, then, allows us to visualize many different patterns regarding the behavior and characteristics of the atoms/elements. Furthermore, the schema may be scrolled, vertically or horizontally, and in this way an infinite number of patterns make their appearance. The schema, then, accommodates data regarding well-known patterns, as well as, revealing new, original patterns, which have not been observed or detected until now.

Skema number one

From the previous illustration, it is now possible to view the progressive numerical ordering of the elements on a compact design, whereby the gaps now lie only within the tertiary pattern. The primary, or representative elements, are no longer separated as in the Mendeleev-based table. Furthermore, it should be obvious that the periodicity may now be represented in a spatially proportional manner, unlike the current table.

Beyond that, the schema offers the placement of much more data upon its design and thereby allows the visualization of an infinite array of patterns reflected by the elements and their atoms. Let us note some of the features that may be accommodated on the schema and the current periodic table, in order to realize that the schema is much broader than the mere concept of a periodic table. Periodicity, as we stated, is simply one characteristic of the elements/atoms; the schema allows for the placement and pattern recognition of many different characteristics. We shall note which characteristic may be exemplified on either table.

Characteristic Pattern: Schemata of the Elements Mendeleev Table
Atomic Number (aufbau Sequential) Yes No
Atomic Weight Yes Yes
Cycles (compact) Yes No
Densities Yes No
Electro-negativity Yes No
Families Yes Yes
Families (without gaps) Yes No
Groups Yes Yes
Ionization Yes No
Metals, Metalloids, Non-Metals Yes Yes
Molecular formulae Yes No
Odd/Even (Stable Isotopes) Yes No
Periodicity (numerical) Yes Yes
Periodicity (spacing) Yes No
Projections: Yes No
168-Elements Yes No
216-Elements Yes No
Proton, Neutron, Electron Counts Yes No
Radioactivity (compact) Yes No
Sectors Yes No
Shells Yes Yes
Symmetry of First Twenty Elements Yes No
Valence electrons Yes Yes
Weighable/unweighable elements Yes No

All of the above characteristics, among other additional ones analyzed in our manuscript, refer to the possibility of producing visual patterns upon the Mendeleev-based periodic table or upon the schemata of the elements. For example, the metals, metalloids and non-metals are shown on almost every current periodic table. Yet, these are not illustrated according to a spatial proportion determined by their periodicity. Each one of the patterns detected and illustrated upon the schema, mentioned above, in fact also reflect the periodicity of each of these visualizations, as well as their underlying sectors and cycles.

None of these cited patterns are available on the conventional, Mendeleev-based periodic table. The above chart indicates that any one of those features, whose data are registered on the current periodic table, shall not produce a recognizable pattern. Whereas the schema immediately produces a pattern rendered as of the data. And, we should note that patterns ultimately permit the concept of prediction and extrapolation of the data. For this reason the schema allows for projections of the patterns in order to recognize the elements that follow on the table up to 166 (168) or 216 (218) elements, depending upon the cycle under consideration.

As of the Mendeleev-based table, projections for a 168 and 218 periodic table exist. However, the schema shall indicate that the following cycles terminate on 166 elements and 216 elements. Further, we present schemata which illustrate the non-concordance of current projections.

Skema: Pattern of Shells

©1999-2013 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All rights reserved. Patent Pending

earthmatrix Editions
earthmatrix Editions
earthmatrix Editions

Elemental triplicity represents a grouping of different elements whose protonic and neutronic counts reflect the same/similar numbers reflecting a midpoint between two chosen elements, which defines a specific pattern of centro-symmetry. The middle element of the three elements chosen reflects the midpoint, or average of the two counts of the two extreme elements. Because the elements are typically not arranged according to the twenty-element baseline of the neutronic count, the relationships of elemental triplicity have never been visualized before, until now.

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he Electronic and Neutronic Schemata of the Elements is a full-color book with over 125 color illustrations of the new periodic table. The schemata of the elements are presented in selected versions of the electronic and neutronic configurations of the elements. The schemata represent a distinct re-structuring of the conventional periodic table. Color coded patterns of centrosymmetry, translation and reflective symmetry produce teaching and research aids for high school and college students. The selected compilation of electronic and neutronic schemata in this book represent only a few of the thousands of schemata now being produced by the Earth/matriX project.

Particle Mass Difference

The author has chosen to explore the relationship between constants of proton mass (1.6726231) and neutron mass (1.6749286).
The conditions of existence of the proton mass and the neutron mass are determined by, or themselves determine, the existence of packets of energy (certain quanta of energy). The differences between those numerical expressions are significant.

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