The Ancient Astronaut
Earth/matriX Animation Studios
Creators of Paleoanimations Based on Ancient Artwork
Charles William Johnson
P.O. Box 231126, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70183-1126
Jorge Luna Martínez
Apartado Postal 70-257,
Coyoacan, Mexico,
C.P. 04510.
©1993-2013 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson
and Jorge Luna Martínez
In the book Pakal, the Ancient Astronaut, we explore the design
elements of the Pakal sculpture found at Palenque, Mexico. We have analyzed
and illustrated the design elements of the Pakal sculpture from the perspective
of simple mechanics. We have given movement to the elements within the
sculpture's image and in that manner see appear something that resembles
a space craft. Obviously, such a rendering of the sculpture may be viewed
critically, since from our knowledge about history, there is nothing in
the historical record about the existence of spacecraft; at least, nothing
specifically identified as such. However, in the visual rendering of Pakal's
vehicle, a geometrical analysis seems to offer more of a solution to the
enigma, than a semantic rendering of ancient texts.
Purchase and download this Earth/matriX eBook
ISBN 1-58616-189-X PDF file,
15MB 1993-1999
Copyrighted material 84 pages
Price: $9.63US