The Planck Constants Represent Powers of the Speed of Light in vacuo


A Table of Random Coincidences or Slight of Hand:
The Planck Constants Relational to Powers of c, the Speed of Light

Planck Unit:
Numerical Value Given Power of c
Speed of light in vacuum [c]
299792458 (exact)
Natural Unit of Velocity
299792458 c1 = 2.99792458
Kilogram-Joule relation
8.987551787 c2 = 8.987551787
Planck length
1.616252 c3 = 2.694400242
doubles & trebles to... = 1.616640145


Planck force
1.21027 c5 = 2.421606171
halves to...   =   1.210803086
Planck mass
2.17644 c72.716431087
Planck momentum
6.52485 c86.524776252
Planck energy
1.9561 c91.956078711
Planck current
3.4789 c106 = 3.491359023
Planck voltage
1.04295 c107 = 1.046683103
Planck area
2.61223 c133 = 2.613084714
Planck volume
4.22419 c137 = 2.110747585
doubles to... = 4.22149517
Students need to question the theoretical basis for choosing fractal numerical values of the powers of c, the speed of light in vacuo, in order to represent the numerical values in the Planck Units.

Fractal numerical values of the powers of c

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The physics paradigm today is based mainly upon the concept of c-square, the squaring of the speed of light in a vacuum. Numerous fundamental physical and chemical constants provided in the physics literature [CODATA] reflect numerical values based upon powers of c, the speed of light in vacuo. The speed of light in a vacuum is determined to represent the upper limit of movement of mass|energy by physicists.
The upper speed limit for a light photon is 299792458 meters/second. The square of that number produces a numerical value that does not exist in any form of matter-energy. The c-square actually represents a number that corresponds to a near massless event: a light photon. The author goes beyond a critique of Albert Einstein’s famous formula based upon this unreal number. The rejection of Einstein’s formula is explored through basic math, the summation of powers in the equation’s terms.
A common procedure followed in deriving many of the CODATA recommendations is to divide certain fundamental physical constants by the value of the elementary charge, e, 1.602176487. With regard to the Planck constants and units of measurement, the case is argued that Max Planck may have simply reversed engineered this procedure in order to derive his natural units.


©2012 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All rights reserved.
Earth/matriX: Science in Ancient Artwork. ISBN 1-58616-451-1
Earth/matriX Editions P.O. Box 231126 New Orleans, LA 70183-1126

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