The Miami Circle
The Internal Alignments
of the pre-Tequesta Circle

by Charles William Johnson

©2003-2012 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All rights reserved.
Reproduction prohibited without written consent of author. ISBN 1-58616-348-5

The Miami Circle Internal Alignments of the pre-Tequesta Circle

In June of 1998, it was advised that an ancient site had been uncovered on a piece of land on the southern bank of the Miami River. The property was on what was known as the Brickell Point Apartments. Excavations revealed a circular placement of numerous holes in the terrain

"The Miami Circle is characterized primarily by a patterned group of large and small holes, dug into the oolitic limestone bedrock underlying the Brickell Point Site, that collectively from a circle approximately 11.5 m (38 ft) in diameter…. The features comprising the Circle are arranged in a readily discernible pattern, alternating between relatively large oval and quasi-rectangular 'basins' and smaller oval and round holes, many of which contain secondary holes within them." [Carr and Ricisak: 277].

For a thorough and excellent study of the Miami Circle, consult the issue of The Florida Anthropologist cited in the bibliography. We offer a brief analysis of the internal alignments of the placement of holes identified by the authors of the cited studies.

It is held that the Miami Circle is found in an area that was populated by the Tequesta native group, which was present at the time of European settlement of the area. [Wheeler:295]

It is also suggested that the holes of the Miami Circle may have "received posts that were part of a structure or structures" [Weisman, Shepard, Luer: 345].

"The holes arranged in circles appear to reflect certain construction typologies used in the southeastern United States by Native Americans for large structures utilized as council houses, chiefs' residences, and for other purposes". [Weisman, Shepard, Luer: 345].

At present, we shall consider the placement of the holes of this Pre-Tequesta site in terms of their internal alignments. One must keep in mind that this site has been disturbed over the centuries. And, that it is difficult to attest to which holes may have been added onto to the original design. In fact, some scholars question whether site is actually one of ancient design. Possibly, an analysis of the internal alignment of the placement of the holes might be suggestive of resolving this question.

Consider, if the site is actually one that is of modern origin, then any internal alignment of the placement of the holes should be random and without any relevancy to patterns and designs of ancient origin. But, if the internal alignments of the holes reflect anything similar to designs and patterns of other ancient sites, then one may suspect an ancient origin for this Pre-Tequesta Site.

Many scholars are already convinced of the ancient origin of the Miami Circle. The analysis that we offer should assist in confirming that conviction. It is difficult to imagine that all of the internal alignments, shown here, could be simply the result of happenstance.

The figure of a triangle often signified the Universe in many ancient cultures.

Source Cited The analytical illustrations of our study are based after a map by John G. Beriault, found on page 270 of: Carr, Robert S.; Ricisak, John, "Preliminary Report on Salvage Archaeological Investigations of the Brickell Point Site (8DA12), Including the Miami Circle", in The Florida Anthropologist, Volume 53, Number 4, December 2000, pages 260-284.

The Miami Circle Internal Alignments of the pre-Tequesta Circle

miami01 miami02 miami03 miami04 miami05
Miami Circle Alignment #1 Alignment #2 Alignment #3 Alignment #4
miami06 miami07 miami08 miami09 miami10
Alignment #5 Alignment #6 Alignment #7 Alignment #8 Alignment #9
miami11 miami12 miami13 miami14 miami15
Alignment #10 Alignment #11 Alignment #12 Alignment #13 Alignment #14
miami16 miami17 miami18 miami19 miami20
iAlignment #15 Alignment #16 Alignment #17 Alignment #18 Alignment #19
miami21 miami22 miami23 miami24 miami25
Alignment #20 Alignment #21 Alignment #22 Alignment #23 Alignment #24
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Alignment #25 Alignment #26 Alignment #27 Alignment #28 Alignment #29
miami31 miami32 miami33 miami34 miami35
Alignment #30 Alignment #31 Alignment #32 Alignment #33 Alignment #34
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Alignment #35 Alignment #36 Alignment #37 Alignment #38 Alignment #39
miami41 miami42 miami43 miami44 miami45
Alignment #40 Alignment #41 Alignment #42 Alignment #43 Alignment #46
miami46 miami47
Alignment #47 Alignment #48

©2003-2012 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All rights reserved.
Reproduction prohibited without written consent of author. ISBN 1-58616-348-5

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