Plasma Physics: 1014
Meso-American Mythology
by Charles William Johnson
states of matter are solid, liquid and gas. But, there is another state
that has become recognized as that of plasma. A plasma is recognized
to be a gas of charged particles ---negatively charged electrons and positively
charged ions--- that interrelate with externally existing electromagnetic
fields and with fields that the plasmas themselves generate. The number
of positive charges is almost equal to the number of negative charges,
and their behavior depends more upon the collective behavior of the particles
than upon the individual atoms. It is this interaction that is said to
distinguish the behavior of plasmas from that of the more familiar gases
that are known. It is also pointed out that the majority of the matter
in the Universe is found to be in the state of plasma, for example, the
Sun, the stars and the interstellar media are all plasmas in fact. They
are all potential sources of energy; they are in fact energy. It is even
stated that 99% of the visible Universe is plasma, the most common form
of matter. William Crookes (1879) identified this fourth state
of matter, plasma. "Ionized gas", plasma, was first used by Dr.Irving
Langmuir in 1929, although he introduced the concept in 1923..
are basically independent of their chemical properties and are defined
more by their densities and relational temperatures in terms of conservation
of energy, momentum laws, and the behavior of their electrons. Number
densities or the number per unit volume (n) and their kinetic temperature
(T) are thus defined for each of the particles present therein. Natural
plasmas are cited as being the Sun, the interstellar space, the intergalactic
space, the Earth (planets), Metals, etc. In a sense, then, there is hardly
any matter left in the Universe that does not exist as a plasma according
to scientists today. The significance, then, of any numbers related to
the composition of plasma would be extremely significant to our studies.
And, there is one particular number regarding plasmas that has caught
our eye.
aspect regarding plasmas as a state of matter-energy concerns that of
its high density, which is shown to reflect n~1014 particles/cm3.
The number cited of 1014 is obviously of interest to us inasmuch
as it reflects half the Maya Four Legends number of 2028c, which
we have been analyzing throughout the Earth/matriX essays. Throughout
our writing, we have brought attention to ancient numbers that find their
reflection in contemporary physics and chemistry. We have reviewed the
appearance of the 693c in radioactive decay computations; we have
seen the Maya companion number, 1366560, find relevancy for relations
of proportion as in the thermodynamic temperature scale (1.3661);
so many ancient numbers that relate almost precisely to physical constants
in different fields of matter-energy.
2028c figure refers to the total period of years within the Legend
of the Four Worlds or Four Suns from the mythology of Meso-America. Supposedly
Four Worlds have passed and, we have been in the Fifth World for some
time now. The four worlds lasted 2028 years ( 676, 364, 312 and 676 years
respectively). No one knows, however, exactly when the 2028 year period
began or ended, although much speculation exists in this regard. A recent
news item from NASA, regarding an "Asteroid Will Miss Earth by 'Comfortable
Distance' in 2028", somehow requires serious consideration
from the perspective of this ancient mythology [NASA, "Asteroid 1997
XF11", March, 1998].
Four Suns or Four Worlds of the Aztecs were: the Sun of the Jaguar;
the Sun of Water; the Sun of Fire; and the Sun of Wind. One could
find a symbolism in the states of matter for these four worlds: the Jaguar
would represent the solid state; the Water would represent liquid state;
the Fire would represent energy; and, the Wind would represent the gaseous

this same analogy, one could imagine the fifth state to be represented
by plasma, whereby the year count of 2028 would coincide symbolically
with the numbers of the density of plasma as known to date (i.e., 1014).
Or, possibly even more logically, the state of plasma could have been
represented by Fire (stars and interstellar material). One would have
symbolized in this manner, the four states of matter represented in the
Four Worlds of the Aztec Calendar.
Sun: the Jaguar (solid)
Sun : the Wind (gas)
Sun: Fire (plasma)
Sun: Water (liquid)
are certain discrepancies regarding the order of the Four Worlds or Suns,
and their relationship to one another. One could argue of a more logical
order, that of gas, plasma, liquid and solid as following the natural
order of existence in the Universe. But, just the fact that the four symbols
chosen within the Aztec Calendar, and their possible relationships towards
the four states of matter-energy as we know them today may cause great
surprise within their reading. In other words, the ancients just happened
to have chosen four different events that effectively reflect the four
different states of matter and energy.
Four Suns have been analyzed by different authors over the years. But,
the stories revolving around the Four Worlds mainly reflect a contemporary
interpretation of ancient mythology, whereby hardly ever is any scientific
consideration offered regarding the content of the myths.
Pointer in the Aztec Calendar
other analyses, we have shown how the 2028c appears in relation to the
basic geometrical design of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Many of the ancient
numbers found in the historical record are thought to be superstitious
numbers, or numbers of accident, with little or no meaning for science.
Yet, as we explore the ancient numbers, we find that they make their appearance
in many different aspects of today's science. The Maya Long-Count, based
upon the series, 72, 144, 288, 576, 1152, 2304, appears within the system
of computer memory today, where modems follow this particular number series.
The Maya Long-Count series simply represents a natural series of numbers.
We follow that same number series in making computers because that series
reflects the transference of data amounts. It all has to do with spacetime,
not superstition.
density of plasma, a distinct state of matter-energy concerns the amount
or density of n~1014 particles/cm3, as illustrated by
today's scientists. One wonders if the coincidence of numbers is actually
a coincidence. One wonders if the ancients just happened to choose a number
(2028 that reflects precise multiples of the density of plasma.
time of the planetary bodies and the Sun occurs in Maya numbers. The distances
traveled by the Earth and the Sun occur in multiples of the Maya numbers.
Time itself occurs in Maya numbers, just as we have seen that computers
transfer data amounts in multiples of Maya numbers.

have mentioned how radioactive decay concerns computations based upon
the 693c count. One can only wonder for now, how such numbers as
the Maya companion number (1366560) relates to this particular ancient
count (693c) and the Maya/Aztec Four Worlds counts (2028c) ---which concerns
us in regards to the plasma count (1014c).
/ 1366560 |
= |
2028.451001 |
The 693c appears
in the ancient Enneagram and may be related evidently to the 963c;
a count which suggests twice the height of the Great Pyramid of Giza (481.5
feet). How interesting and relevant these numbers become, then, when we
consider their relationship to the event of gravity, which has been cited
as being fractal 6.67259c [Newtonian gravitational constant
(G), 6.67259 (85) 10-11 m3kg-1s-2
(exact) ] for many years.
x 963 = 667359
relationship of the ancient numbers to different aspects of the physical
constants appears time and again. And, now, the appearance of the Maya
1014c in relation to plasma does not surprise us in the least,
especially when so many other relationships abound throughout the physics
and chemistry of matter-energy as of the ancient numbers. It is difficult
to think that the ancients knew of such relationships, but one must wonder
how they happened to have incorporated all the right numbers into their
Charles William
Jefferson, Louisiana
6 July 2002
©2002-2010 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson.
All rights reserved.
Reproduction prohibited without the written permission of the author.
Plasma Physics: 1014
Meso-American Mythology
ISBN 1-58616-316-7
Earth/matriX: Science in Ancient Artwork and Science Today.