cosmica Microwave Background The temperature of the Universe

Cosmic Microwave Background:
The Temperature of the Universe (2.7281)

Charles William Johnson

In 1965, two Bell Labs scientists, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, discovered and recorded some microwaves which came from outer space. These microwaves have come to be known as the cosmic background radiation. The waves were measured at first to represent 3 degrees Kelvin; later, they were measured at 2.7; 2.726; 2.724; 2.732; and 2.735. More recently, NASA has offered the measurements to be 2.7280 and 2.7281 Kelvin, depending upon which direction of space is observed. There appears to be a dipole anisotropy, whereby the distinct measurements reflect variations. The measurement suggest that the Universe in the beginning was quite dense and hot (around 3,000 Kelvin), having now a temperature around three Kelvin above absolute zero. The measurements employed generally today are those of 2.728 and 2.7281.

Upon viewing such a number, one immediately relates this to the historically significant numbers of the ancient reckoning systems around the world. Specifically, regarding the ancient maya system, we think of the 1872000 long count number, expressing a period of time in a day-count. The fact that the fractional expression of the temperature of the Universe (7281) measured today reflects the four digits (1872) of the ancient reckoning number cannot but awaken our interest in this aspect of cosmology. Therefore, let us explore the numbers in more detail. We have seen how the historically significant number of the ancient reckoning systems relate easily to numbers coming out of distinct aspects of scientific knowledge today, now we shall examine a possible relationship with the temperature of the Universe expressed in Kelvins.

Previously, we have analyzed how the ancient maya companion numbers (1366560 and 1385540) may be related easily to an absolute temperature scale (Cfr., The Earth/matriX Thermodynamic Temperature Scale). Scientists today are stating that the analysis of the cosmic microwave background radiation may lead us to an absolute scale of temperature for matter-energy. It is unthinkable that the ancients may have developed just such an absolute scale of temperature as of the boiling/freezing point of water and the temperature of the Universe. For the Earth/matriX temperature scale, we have employed the 136.656 number, as well as similarly related values for the boiling point of water, whereby the freezing point of water would be represented at precisely 100.0 Now, let us make similar considerations regarding the temperature cited for the cosmic microwave background radiation (2.728).

Consider the following, as we explore the numbers as of their fractal expression:

2728 / 2 = 1364 (1366560 - 1364000 = 2560, 1280, 640, 320, 160..., a constant series)

From the start, we may observe a relationship of a difference based on the constant number series 2, 4, 8, 16, 32...). Such a relationship would allow for computations based on remainder math. But, there is something even more significant. Let us consider the possibility that the 2.728 fractal number may represent that of the freezing point of water on a temperature scale similar to that of the Celsius scale, whereby the boiling point would then be represented by 372.8 degrees. This is not unlikely, since we have already seen how the variations among the measurements may depend upon the instruments being employed to effect the measurement. Hence, even the Celsius scale today varies according to the procedure employed for achieving the measurement (varying from 273.16 to 237.04 at times).

Consider the possibility that the following scale may have been employed by the ancients:

372.8 Boiling point of water
272.8 Freezing point of water

Now, with that all one has to consider is the relationship of these two hypothetical measurements:

372.8 / 272.8 = 1.366568915

In other words, were one to employ the 272.8 measurement for creating a temperature scale similar to the Celsius scale as of the measurement of the cosmic microwave background, then the added one hundred degrees would represent a relationship between the boiling and freezing points of water that would be almost precise with the ancient maya companion number fractal of 1366560.

The difference between the maya companion number and that of the relationship cited on the hypothetical temperature scale based on the temperature of the Universe is minimal.

Furthermore, the fact that we devised a temperature scale based on the boiling point of water as representing a 136.6+ scale, with the freezing point of water as 100.0 on the scale, is nothing farfetched. For on this level, essentially we are utilizing a figure close to the temperature of the Universe for measuring matter-energy in the Universe. In this sense, the boiling point of water is a little over fifty times the temperature of the Universe:

136.6858105 / 2.728 = 50.10476924
136.656 / 2.728 = 50.09384164
136.4 / 2.728 = 50.0

In other words, if the boiling point of water is scaled at 136.4 temperature, then the temperature of the Universe would be 50 times exactly less than the BPW, and 36.6568915 times greater than the freezing point of water.

Now, if we take the perceived number of 50.104, then,

50104 x 2.728 = 136683.712 and, 136683.712 - 136656 = 27.712
13.856 (- 13.85540 = .0006)

It has been stated, then, that the 3,000 Kelvin temperature of the Universe when it first began has now dropped today to 2.728 Kelvins. Such a statement hinges upon the possibility that the Big Bang theory for interpreting the formation and existence of the Universe is in fact correct. The idea represented in these proposed numbers is that the initial explosion of Universe, at the time of the Big bang, actually produced such a high original temperature of 3,000 Kelvins, and the subsequent development of the Universe cooled to its current temperature (2.728/2.7281 Kelvins).

Therefore, a temperature scale based on a boiling point of water would directly reflect the current numbers of the temperature of the Universe. In other words, the unit of measurement on a 136.6+ temperature scale for the boiling point of water, would reflect a number similar to the 2.728 temperature. In our having devised the 136.6858105 scale, we were employing the unit of measurement as of the Celsius scale, whereby one unit of measurement on that 136.6+ scale equals 2.7316 Kelvins. Now, consider the following relationship between the 2.7316 temperature unit and the 2.728 unit.

2.728 - 2.7316 = .0036

In other words, the difference between the temperature of the Universe and the unit measurement of the Earth/matriX temperature scale is a fractal 36 number. Within the maya and the kemi ancient reckoning systems, the 360c was historically significant. Again, through remainder math one could easily translate from one unit of measurement to the other. In fact, the 2728 number reflects a measurement close to that employed in the base measurement of the Great Pyramid, Giza (756): 2.728 / .0036 = 757.77778.

The relationship of the temperature of the Universe appears to be related in many ways to the ancient reckoning numbers from different systems. Consider, the 2028 year-count number of the legend of the Four Suns of the Aztecs, whereby, 2728 - 2028 = 700. The 2028 year-count is easily obtainable through the maya companion numbers; we simply double the 1385540 number and divide by the 1366560 number:

2771080 / 1366560 = 2.2027777778 (2028 fractal).

The relationships among the ancient reckoning numbers are no coincidence. Nor is it coincidence to see relationships with the calendar rounds of 18980 days by employing these numbers/fractals as factors:

136.6560 / 138.5540 = 18934.23542 - 18980 = 45.764576

The difference in this case, is a mirrored or reflected number: 4576:4576. Such numbers evidently reflect conscious computations and choices. Consider the fact that another historically significant maya count was 151840 days. Now, take half of the 2028 year-count:

1014 x 1.36656 = 1385.69184 - 1385.54 = .15184

Once more remainder math would solve any translation from one count to the other; and, further consider,

9 x 151840 = 1366560

The numbers make sense in many different directions of computations. In fact, by taking distinct historically significant numbers from the kemi and the maya system, we continue to observe a definite interrelatedness. Consider the 756c of the Great Pyramid, and the ancient 1385540 maya companion number.

756 / .1385540 = 5456.3564 (rounded off)

It would appear to be almost impossible in terms of probability to think that an ancient kemi number and an ancient maya number would offer such a precise fractal computation for the temperature of the Universe, as we know it today (2.728). These are not the only numbers that are relational. Consider the 1649.457812 number that we have discerned in the Sothic cycle calendar in relation to the 2.7281 measurement.

1649.457812 / 2.7281 = 6046.17797

Professor I.E.S. Edwards offers 755.77 feet as the measurement of the west side of the base of the Great Pyramid.

Even if we take the much-cited pyramid inch measurement of 1.00106 and divide that into the 273.16 Celsius measurement, a significant number appears:

273.16 / 1.00106 = 272.870757 (the temperature of the Universe approximately)

And, consider, the reciprocal of these measurements:

1 / 2.728 = .366568915 1/ 2.7316 = .3660858105

In such cases, the freezing point of water would be considered 100 units, and the boiling point, correspondingly, would be 136.6+ units, depending upon which value would be chosen for the scale. The basic unit measurement for the scale would be that of the temperature of the Universe (2.728 ±). In other words, from the freezing point of water to the boiling point of water, there would be 36.6 ± units of the approximate temperature of the Universe. Once more, the appearance of the significant 36c becomes obvious. If we were to round off to the 36c for conceiving this difference on the scale, then the following would obtain:

36 x 2.728 = 98.208
196.416 - 195.9552
(Nineveh fractal)
= 4608 (= maya long count fractals)

No matter which particular historically significant number we choose to examine, from any of the ancient reckoning systems, it would appear as though a relationship may be computed thereof. It is difficult to believe that the ancient reckoning systems could have not only been counting cycles of time, but the temeprature of the Universe. Scholars are not ready to accept even the possibility that the ancient reckoning systems may have counted time accurately, much less are they willing to even entertain the idea that the ancients may have accounted for the temperature of the Universe. Ancient reckoning numbers, such as the maya companion numbers, are thought to pertain to concepts of time, and only time. Today, we know that a number can be related to any aspect of reality; we use them to count time, space, matter, energy, spin, etc. Yet, we are unwilling to think that the ancients may have counted any other aspect of reality but time itself; and, then, we can only conceive of the ancients of having counted time erroneously.

To observe that the hypothetical temperature scale based on the unit of measurement of the temperature of the Universe (2.728):

372.8 / 272.8 = 1.366568915

may produce a relationship to an extreme degree of exactitude in relation to a maya companion number (1366560), may simply be considered to be a manipulation of numbers. However, the number of realtionships among many historically significant numbers, somehow suggests an underlying design among the different ancient reckoning systems.

Earth/matriX: Science in Ancient Artwork Series ISSN-1526-3312
©1995 - 2014 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson and Jorge Luna Martinez. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any from is prohibited. All of the content text, images, drawings, designs and material ideas on this web-site may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, copied, or redistributed by any means or in any form. Contact the owners, Charles William Johnson and Jorge Luna Martinez
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Earth/matriX Editions
Science in Ancient Artwork
Cosmic Microwave Background:
The Temperature of the Universe (2.728)
Science in Ancient Artwork & Science Today,
Extract 39
12 November 1998
ISBN 1-58616-159-8


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