SCIENCE IN ANCIENT ARTWORK Extract Nº.17 Maya and Kemi Numbers: Multiplicationby In previous essays (Cfr., Earth/matriX No. 73), we have examined the Sothic cycle and a number that may have been encoded into that calendar (1649.457812). This particular number appears to reflect the reciprocal of seven (1/7 = .142857), only the numbers take on a different ordering. Therefore, we may call it reciprocal-like. The actual number encoded into the Sothic calendar appears as of the days cited and actually represents 1649.45781245781245781457815. In this analysis, we shall employ distinct variations of the same for the computations. Previously, we discussed how this particular number may be related to the 693c (the numbers 6, 9, 3 being left out of the reciprocal-like digits), and to other day-counts and cycles (1296). Now, we shall attempt to discern a manner in which possibly this number may be confirmed as of itself. In other words, if this number was actually encoded into the Sothic calendar, then it should be functional regarding other computations of the ancient reckoning system. One manner in which we might test the confirmation of the
encoded number is to multiply the integers that make up the number by
themselves. If we multiply 1x6x4x9x4x5x7x8x1x2x4x5x7x8x1x2x4x5x7x8x1x2x4x5x7x8x1x5
= 1.359520727 Let us see how the 483840 number relates to other counts: a lunar count is 59.06 (days) and a solar count has been cited as 11.25 (days). Now, consider, 483840 / 59.06 = 8192.346766; and 483840 / 11.25 = 43008. The lunar relation is significant, because it yields a constant-like number of the series 8192, 4096, 2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1. Inversely, then, 483840 / 8192 = 59.0625, 29.53125, terribly close to the lunar count used even today. The solar count (11.25) is equally suggestive of meaning, when we consider halving the 43008 result: 43008, 21504, 10752, 5376, 2688, 1344, 672, 336, 168, 84, 42, 21. Now, observe the possible significance of the 21c: 483840 / 21 = 23040. That is the 2304 alautun fractal of the maya long count. We have been observing a direct relationship between the 756c of the ancient kemi and the 576c of the ancient maya. The very fact that these two ancient counts employ the same integers in an inverted manner leads one to suspect a common or related origin in these two ancient reckoning systems. Now, let us consider these two counts with respect to the 483840c: 756 x 64 = 483840 = 84 x 576. It should be noted that the 64c is of the constant series of numbers (1,2,4,8,16,32,64...); and, the 84c is an often cited historically significant count of the ancient reckoning system of Mesoamerica. Now, consider 756 x 576 = 435456. Furthermore, 483840 - 435456 = 48384; a completely mirrored number 4 8 3 8 4, to be read in either direction. But, that is not all. Let us see what happens when we subtract the 435456 number from the square of either 756 (571536) or 576 (331776)
The difference between these two differences being: 32400 (64800, 129600; another historically significant kemi number). These two numbers are significant as well: 136080 / 2 = 68040, 34020...; 103680 / 2 = 51840, 25920 (the Platonic cycle). This is just the beginning, because as we compare these numbers to other historically significant numbers of the maya ancient reckoning system, other computations become available. Let us take the maya companion numbers 1366560 and 1385540. Consider, 1366560 - 1360800 = 5760 (the maya calbatun fractal). And, even the relation 1366560 - 1036800 = 329760 is significant, when considered as of the 311040 cited by many authors, 329760 - 311040 = 18720; whereby the maya long count period number of days is cited as 1872000. The significance of the integers has been discussed in previous essays, whereby there exists the possibility to translate these numbers into basic designs in geometry (Cfr., Earth/matriX, Extract No.6). The relationship of these numbers to the cube, as of the relation of equivalency with the additional 9, also produces distinctive designs: Interestingly, these geometrically based designs also may translate directly from other historically significant numbers of the maya system; for example, the k'awil count of 819c, is essentially a count based on multiples of 117c. Now, consider the square of 117, which equals 13689; that's correct, the same numbers of the basic designs that we have been discussing in previous essays/extracts. If this fractal is taken to the same number of integers as that of the companion number, the following obtains: 1368900 - 1366560 = 2340, 4680, 9360, 18720 (once again, the maya long count fractal). One can only suspect that these historically significant numbers were chosen by design; especially, when we consider multiplying the integers as of themselves: 1 x 3 x 6 x 8 x 9 = 1296, whereby once again appears the ancient kemi fractal, which is in turn half of the Platonic cycle fractal (25920). When we invert the multiplication process, the Nineveh number/fractal 1959552 comes into view: 1360800 x 576 = 783820800, 391910400, 195955200, and, 1036800 x 756 = 78382080, 391910400, 195955200. The significance of the Nineveh number is well-established: 1959552 / 3024 = 648; 1959552 / 3402 = 576; 1959552 / 2592 = 756; 1959552 / 4536 = 432; etc. The multiple significances of these distinct counts are infinite: 3402 - 3024 = 378; 3024 - 2592 = 432; 3402 - 2592 = 810; 1296 - 576 = 720; 1296 - 756 = 540; 1296 - 567 = 729; 4536 - 3402 = 1134; 4536 - 3024 = 1512; 3456 - 3024 = 432; etc. To observe such significant relationships among so many distinct historically recognizable numbers, and yet maintain that the ancient reckoning system erred, somehow rings shallow. Possibly, we do not yet comprehend fully how the ancients related number-counts among themselves, nor exactly in relationship to which particular events they did the relating. One particular example may assist us in understanding how the kemi 756c and the maya 576c may have been related. We shall do this not only with respect to themselves, but as of the less comprehended maya companion number 1366560.
Immediately, one may observe how the maya long count represents the difference between the two counts (576c and 756c). But, what becomes even more interesting is the fact that once the maya companion number is subtracted from each series at the corresponding level, the difference now becomes that of 5184, which is double the 25920 Platonic cycle number. But, even more significant is the fact that we have already discerned in previous essays (Cfr., Earth/matriX, Extracts Nos. 7 & 12), the 5184 number when converted to degrees/minutes/seconds of the angle of inclination of the pyramids represents the much cited angle of the Great Pyramid.
In this manner, as of the addition/multiplication of the distinct counts of the ancient reckoning systems, one may observe how they relate to one another. Even the angle of inclination of the sides of the Great Pyramid at Giza, reflects numbers that are easily relational to those ancient reckoning systems and their numbers/fractals. One would have it no other way; the precision of the stone pyramidal structures would surely suggest a mathematical base of a similarly precise nature. Another historically significant count appears to be that of 567c, which obviously relates to the inverted 756c and thre 576c, employing the same integers. If we simply add up the three day-counts, a similarly historically significant number occurs: 567 + 576 + 756 = 18990. This reminds us of the 18980c of the ancient Mesoamerican cultures (18980 = 52 x 365c). The Nineveh number, 2268c, represents 567 x 4; whereas 4 x 756 = 3024; and, 4 x 576 = 2304. The difference between the 576c and the 756c is the maya long count (180); the difference between the 576c and the 567c is also the maya long count (180); but, the difference between the 567c and the 756c is a modified version of the maya long count (189); remembering the 189, 378, 756 series; in other words, the difference between the 567c and the 756c is precisely the 756c. In this manner, the three counts are easily relational among themselves. The number of possible relationships is beyond imagination. Consider multiplying the integers of the maya companion number: 1 x 3 x 6 x 6 x 6 = 3240 (6480, 12960, 25920). One might consider that if we missed the encoded numbers in one manner, there would be optional ways of deriving those same historically significant numbers. Observe just a few of the historically significant numbers and their multiplications:
From the above, one may observe how the multiplication of the natural numbers within the historically significant numbers/fractals yield the series of numbers (constants and day-counts) that may be observed in the ancient reckoning systems. One may conclude that the chosen historically significant numbers represent different computational aspects that, possibly, we have not considered in the same manner as the ancients considered them. The procedure of multiplication (a form of addition) may have served in different manners for arriving at distinct computations. Seemingly unrelated day-counts and cycle-counts, in this manner, appear to be easily relational; so much so that the possible computations suggest even a common or shared origin for the many different reckoning systems of the past.
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