
Extract No.20

Symbolism in the Sothic Cycle Number 1649.457812

By Charles W. Johnson

In order to fully understand the analysis presented in this extract, one should read our earlier essay (Cfr., Earth/matriX No.73), where we illustrated how one may detect the presence of the symbolic number 1649.457812 within the Sothic Calendar. This particular number involves an unending fraction, and resembles a number related to the reciprocal of seven (.142857), although the order of its terms are evidently distinct:

457812 as distinct from 142857 or,
124578 as distinct from 142857 both,

representing unending fractional expressions (i.e., .457812457812457812... and, .142857142857142857...).

Irrespective of the manner in which the 1649.457812 number may have been communicated within the chosen numbers of the days in the Sothic Calendar, as we explained in the previous essay, the number serves functionally in relation to other historically significant numbers and day-counts. In other words, any number, although it may have been selectively chosen in accordance with specific criteria, still retains a relational behavior to all other numbers. Without going into excessive detail, the 1649.457812 number relates well to the historically significant number eleven:

1649.457812 x 11 = 18144.03593

Such is the case with all numbers. We may dislike a particular number for appearing to have been a haphazard choice, or a choice based upon no visible or comprehensible criteria, yet, because of the very relational nature of numbers, one can find precisely an infinite number of relationships. The question at hand, however, is to encounter those relationships which may have been perceived and handled by the ancients in their computational systems of reckoning time and space.

For even the number 18144 suggests other kinds of relationships that are historically relevant. Consider the internal elements of this particular number: 18 x 144 = 2592; or, the fractal for the Platonic Year (25,920 years). Or, the fact that 18144 lies on a series of historically significant numbers such as that of the Nineveh number, 2268: 18144, 9072, 4536, 2268, etc.

With regards. however, to the Sothic number 1649.457812, certain difficulties lie in comprehending the possible origin of this particular number. Its fractional expression appears to be related to the reciprocal of seven, yet, is apparently unrelated. We have been studying this particular number for a few years now, and we may finally have discovered a possible origin for it within the confines of the ancient reckoning system and a relationship to the day-counts and a more subtle relationship to the reciprocal of seven than previously conceived. As we stated in our previous essay, the Sothic number is quite suggestive of the fractions related to the reciprocal of seven, however, only in appearance. Now, let us examine whether there may be a more direct relationship regarding this particular number and the number seven.

In all of the thousands upon thousands of computations that we have been effecting in the past few years, we have never seen the fractional sequence expressed as .457812; it just has not appeared. And, we have been eagerly searching for it since we first detected this particular number symbolically represented in the Sothic Calendar as an unending fraction:


This is the way in which the number seems to have been encoded into the Sothic Calendar; ending in a 5, instead of an expected 2. For now, we shall not concern ourselves about the final number, but rather attempt to observe how the sequential fraction may have evolved.

Within the Sothic Calendar, certain days of the year have been singled out and listed therein: days 1, 6, 31, 36, 40, 41, 61, 71, 91, 101, 121, 131, 151, 161, 181, 191, 211, 221, 241, 251, 271, 281, 301, 311, 331, 341, 361, and 365. There is no apparent logic to having listed these particular days in the calendar itself. From the internal addition of each of these particular numbers, as illustrated in our previous essay, one can see the 1649457812457812457812457815 appear. However, this lead us to consider the possibility of dividing each of the day numbers by the number seven; but, not just the days of the Sothic Calendar listed here, but of all of the days within the 365c. The following obtained, which is only a selection of the entire table:

1 / 7 = . 142857142857142857...
13 / 7 = 1. 857142857...
26 / 7 = 3. 714285714...
36 / 7 = 5. 142857142...
... but,
359 / 7 = 51. 285714285...
360 / 7 = 51. 42857142...
361 / 7 = 51. 57142857...
362 / 7 = 51. 714285714...
363 / 7 = 51. 857142857...
364 / 7 = 52. 0
365 / 7 = 52. 142857142...
366 / 7 = 52. 285714285...
367 / 7 = 52. 428571428...
368 / 7 = 52. 571428571...
369 / 7 = 52. 714285714...
370 / 7 = 52. 857142857...
371 / 7 = 53. 0
372 / 7 = 53. 142857142...
373 / 7 = 53. 285714285...

Noticeably, a definite pattern within the fractions evolves from this divisional procedure. We are concerned with the sequence of the fractional expressions, whose first integer reveals a series similar to the 457812 number (4578012).

Then, the numbers of the days, from 360 - 366 reveal numbers beginning and ending in 1 through 6, the natural numbers. Finally, a third coincidence reveals the sequence of 7 x 7 = 49 within the divisors. Symbolically, one could comprehend that the 1649457812 number may have found its origin within this particular procedure of the division of the days by the number seven; all producing reciprocal-seven-like numbers.

360, 361, 362, 363, 364,
7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7

The Sothic Calendar number, 1649.457812, appears to be an encoded number that guides us in comprehending the computational math behind the reckoning system itself. It points to the procedure of dividing by seven, which, as we have seen in previous essays (Cfr., Earth/matriX No.86), may serve for squaring the circle and an infinite array of mathematical and geometrical computations. The number, in its own way, is designed to convey the significance of the number seven; a very sacred number of the ancient reckoning systems around the world.

In this analysis, we have simply attempted to discern its symbolic meaning. There remains to be analyzed an entire set of mathematical and geometrical problems posed by this same procedure. In other words, as we stated early on, there exists the symbolic aspect of numbers, but because of the manner in which numbers relate to one another, there still remains the aspect of the performance and behavior of those chosen symbolic numbers. Inspite of the 1649457812 representing an apparently symbolic number, it may still be of computational significance in both math and geometry as expressed in the ancient reckoning systems and in the artwork.

e-mail: Charles William Johnson


©1997-2012 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All rights reserved.

Science in Ancient Artwork
Symbolism in the Sothic Cycle Number 1649.457812
Extract Nº.20
26 August 1997
©1997-2012 Copyrighted by Charles W. Johnson. All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction prohibited without written consent of the author.


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