Extract 57 Earth/matriX 9 April 2000

The Speed of Light as of Ancient Reckoning

Charles William Johnson

Right away, the reader of this extract is going to think, "now, wait a minute". There is no way that ancient reckoning of time has anything to do in the least with the speed of light. Only recently, within human history, has the velocity at which light travels in the Universe become a known factor. In fact, it is so well known now, that it is one of the few constants listed by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) that is said to be "exact".

The velocity of light is given by NIST as "299 792 458 m s-1 Standard uncertainty: (Exact)". Due to the floating decimal place of the Metric system, these same numbers are often presented as centimeters or kilometers, with the necessary adjustments in the decimal place. In this extract, we shall concentrate upon the fractal expressions of the numbers presented. We have also converted from the metric expression to the English system expression:

299 792 458 x .6213711922 (conversion factor for miles/kilometers) equals 186,282.39704 miles/second.

For the sake of brevity, we shall analyze the numbers in terms of the English system, as we have been doing throughout the series of Earth/matriX essays and extracts. However, we have come to realize that it does not matter which particular system of measurement is being employed, for the two systems, the Metric system and the English system, share essentially the same base number series. For example, we may view the English system as being essentially a system with base eight, and the Metric system as being a base 5 or 10 system. The reasoning is quite simple, when we observe the numbers as of the mediatio/duplation method:

1 / 5 = .2
1 / 8 = .125

8 = 40 times reciprocal of 5

5 = 40 times reciprocal of 8

(All numbers of this procedure lie on the .5, 1, 2, 4, 8, …, number series, through doubling/halving.)

In other words, the relation 5 : 8 (or, 8 : 5) represents essentially one and the same system, expressed as reciprocals. We have treated this theme in our early essays regarding the relationship between the planets Earth and Venus, whose synodic and sidereal orbital times reflect just such a ratio [5 : 8; 8 : 5; 5 : 4; 4 : 5], the same one found between the English and Metric systems. The fact that these same number series are involved in both systems allows, in part, for finding studies based on the English system, and studies based on the Metric system, which both yield significant results regarding the ancient reckoning numbers.

Often, it is the case, that a particular author argues in favor of using only one system or the other. Given the fact that the Metric system is often employed today as the more scientific system, then many authors prefer to effect their analyses in this system, while declaring that the ancients were themselves scientific in this regard, using that same metric measuring rod. Hugh Harleston, for example, has broken off with most students of ancient history by proposing the idea of a system of measurement based on the Hunab in Meso-America, which is attained by employing the 12th root of the number two (1.059463094) as of the metric system.

Our studies have shown that the ancients may have employed a system of measurement based on "proportion", with the floating decimal place and fractal numbers, in relation to the number series that make up both the English and Metric systems, which allow for computations being accommodated in both systems. In other words, the studies presented by many scholars in either the English system or the metric system are not opposing, but complementary.

For, if the ancients employed a system of proportion for their measuring, thus modifying the specific measuring rod for a given site or function, then all numbers would then be accommodated by such a system. We can better view this by making an analysis of the velocity of light, as we know it today, in relation to the ancient reckoning system.

The Speed of Light

The speed of light has been given as 299 792 458 m s-1 in the metric system, and as 186,282.39704 miles/second, in the English system. These numbers appear to be irrelevant to the systematic numbers that we have been reviewing within the ancient reckoning system. It is impossible to summarize all of the historically significant counts in such a short extract, so we shall point them out as we proceed in our analysis.

For a more detailed analysis of the ancient reckoning system and the speed of light, we refer the reader to our previous essay (Earth/matriX, Essay No. 127). In this extract we shall concentrate upon a single computation, which involves viewing the speed of light as of the unit in inches. The speed of light measured in a vacuum is: 186282.397 miles/second in the English system. Now consider, that there are 5280 feet in one mile.

186282.397 miles x 5280 feet = 983571056.2 feet traveled by light in one second

Now, there are twelve inches in one foot; therefore,

983571056.2 feet x 12 inches = 1.18028526710 (using the scientific notation of today's electronic calculators)

The figure, 1.18028526710 represents the number of inches traveled by light in one second.

Now, let us remember that there are two cited companion numbers in the maya long count, referring to day-counts; that of 1366560 days and 1385540 days. We have noticed that the double of 1366560, that is, 2733120, reveals a similarity to other historically significant numbers:

The Nineveh number, 1959552 fractal expressed in the maya long count notation as, and the precession number as of the ancient 360c day-count: 26000 x 360 = 9331200 days in the Great Cycle. The termination of these figures in similar units of 3312, conveys the idea of a well-defined criterion for the 1366560 number.

With these numbers in mind, and which are discussed in greater detail in our previously cited essay, we may now consider the speed of light as expressed in inches.

Let us square the number of inches in one second of time as traveled by light:

1.18028526710 x 1.18028526710 = 1.39307331220

This is like stating:

1.18028526710 inches x 1.18028526710 seconds = 1.39307331220 inches

Notice that the number of inches, according to contemporary measurements of the speed of light, that light travels in one second, shares a similarity to the historically significant numbers shown above. Let us view this number fractally:


The number/fractal shares the last five digits of the double of the Maya companion number/fractal 136656, that is, the 273312 number. The number of inches traveled by light one-half of a second would then be 6.96536656219 . One may conclude, that such a coincidence of numbers can be nothing more than a mere coincidence of numbers.

Let us look at these same figures, from another angle of the time variable, that may be more in accordance with one's concept of the ancient reckoning divisions of time.

1.18028526710 seconds / 86400 seconds in one 24-hour day = 136607.0911 days

Now, looking at this particular period of time, we see how it relates fractally to the maya companion number:

1366070.911 / 1366560 = .9996421021

1366560 - 1366070.911 = 489.08867 days difference

1366560 - 136607.0911 = 1229952.909

Another historically significant number concerns the 676c of the Legend of the Four Suns in ancient Meso-America. One can only wonder whether all of these ancient numbers were chosen randomly, or whether they enjoyed some basis within matter-energy. Consider the following computations.

186282.397 miles x 86400 seconds in one 24-hour day = 1.6094799110 miles/day

8047399550 miles per 12-hour period (the ancients divided the day into day and night)

8047399550 / 12 hours = 670616629.2 miles/hour that light travels

335308314.6 miles/one-half hour

167654157.3 miles/15 minutes

We have discussed in numerous essays the presence of number series, which are similar to the 6706, 6760, etc. make-up within the ancient reckoning system, [v.gr., 5706, 5760, etc.]. Notice the difference between the 6760 and 6706 numbers is another historically significant count, 54c.

In fact, when we are multiplying the speed of light expressed in miles in the English system, and we make the conversion over to inches, we employ the numbers 5280 (for feet in a mile), and the number 12 (for inches in one foot). Notice that 5280 x 12 = 63360, another historically significant count, since 63360 / 2 = 3168c. Therefore, multiplying the number of miles that light travels in one second by the constant number 31680, would yield the number of inches light travels in one-half mile. One may wonder whether the strange numbers of the English system, in fact, came from those historically significant numbers and fractal expressions of the ancient reckoning system.

© 2000-2014 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.

E a r t h / m a t r i X
The Speed of Light as of Ancient Reckoning
By Charles William Johnson

Published by: Earth/matriX
Branch: Earth/matriX-México Jorge Luna /Director - Mexico, Apartado Postal 70-257, México, D.F., 04510, México

9 April 2000

Copyrighted © 2000-2005 by Charles William Johnson. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited. Printed in the United States of America. Published simultaneously in Mexico. This publication, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form of photographic, electrostatic, mechanical, or any other method, for any use or purpose, including information storage or retrieval, without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

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