Critical and Creative Thinking in the Theoretical Interpretation of Spacetime/movement
Critical and Creative Thinking in the Theoretical Interpretation
of Spacetime/movement

Pakal: The Mya Astronaut


In the book Pakal, the Ancient Astronaut, we explore the design elements of the Pakal sculpture found at Palenque, Mexico. We have analyzed and illustrated the design elements of the Pakal sculpture from the perspective of simple mechanics. We have given movement to the elements within the sculpture's image and in that manner see appear something that resembles a space craft. Obviously, such a rendering of the sculpture may be viewed critically, since from our knowledge about history, there is nothing in the historical record about the existence of spacecraft; at least, nothing specifically identified as such. However, in the visual rendering of Pakal's vehicle, a geometrical analysis seems to offer more of a solution to the enigma, than a semantic rendering of ancient texts.

Pakal: The Ancient Astronaut
Author: Charles William Johnson
Earth MatriX Editions
Format: Kindle Edition
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84 pages
Price: $4.99 US

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