The Geodetic Foot: the 1296c Factor

Charles William Johnson  

A key concept in analyzing the math and geometry of the ancient past refers to that of measurement. The translation of matter-energy into geometric-mathematical expressions represents one of the bases in attempting to prove the degree of knowledge possessed by ancient civilizations. The precision in measuring and then it execution into monumental structures has always amazed technologically oriented scientists today. We marvel at the stonework in monuments of ancient Egypt and Peru, where not even a knife-blade can fit between the stones. The fact that the Great Pyramid is said to be only a fraction of an inch off true North causes stupor in almost any observer.

In spite of the significance attributed to the act of measurement, we must examine the measuring system itself, and our concept of the existing systems. In our essay, The Geometry of Ancient Sites, we observed how the ancient monumental sites may have been related through specific geographical or geodetic corridors. In other words, instead of thinking of the monuments being related as of fractions of inches, we may better comprehend their interrelated nature if we view them as being placed within broader corridors around the Earth.

In this extract, we shall examine a few measurements and the possible use of a constant or factor that is based on an ancient kemi count. The ancient kemi had a day-count related to 1296000 days. And, we have often drawn attention to the fact that the fractal 1296c is half the Platonic Cycle fractal of 25920c years. The ancient Meso-Americans also employed the 1296000c day-count within their computations, especially within the ancient maya long-count. It is difficult to think that the 1296c is a coincidental choice as of the 2592c fractal of the precession.

The use of the 1296c count as a computational factor or constant may be better comprehended as we examine some of the measurements of the Earth and other related events. But, before we offer these considerations, let us examine the concept of measurement a little more.

The length of Earth's equator is said to be 24,901.55 miles (or 40,075.16008 kilometers). As we have mentioned often, it matters not whether we work in miles or kilometers (or both), since we are examining relations of equivalency and proportion. The length of the meridian is 24,859.82 miles. The Earth, therefore, is recognizably an oblate sphere. At the Equator one degree represents 69.171 miles, and gradually diminishes as one nears the pole. The value of a longitudinal degree at the pole is thus zero. The length of one degree of latitude is 68.708 miles at the Equator, and thereby varies due to the oblate shape of the globe.

The historically established degree-minute-second system of measurement defines the level of precision attainable in the mathematical expression of the distances measured on the globe. The circle (or the sphere) is divided into 360c degrees, as of the system inherited from the ancient past. Let us observe what one-half of the globe would produce in terms of numbers:

180 degrees (D); 60 minutes (M); 60 seconds (S):

180 x 60 x 60 = 648,000

The complete circle (or circling the globe) would produce the following numbers:

360 degrees (D); 60 minutes (M); 60 seconds (S):

360 x 60 x 60 = 1,296,000

Interestingly enough, our very system of measurement enshrouds the ancient kemi and maya count of 1296000c. Let us observe what this means for the length of Earth's equator.

24901.55 miles x 5280 feet = 131480184 feet total

131480184 x 12 inches = 1577762208 inches

Therefore, according to these figures, there are 1,577,762,208 inches in the length of the Earth's equator. Now, let us observe the DMS- measuring system in relation to these figures. Let us see how one would visualize the geodetic foot in this sense.

131480184 feet / 360 degrees = 365,222.7333

This means that there are theoretically 365,222.733 feet per degree on the average.

365222.7333 feet / 5280 feet (per mile) = 69.17097216 miles/degree

365222.733 feet / 60 minutes = 6087.045556 feet/minute

6087.045556 feet / 60 seconds = 101.4507593 feet/second

At this point, one cannot help but recall the Meso-American Legend of the Four Suns, whose count is 2028c years (1014, 2028).

101.4507593 / 100 units per second = 1.014507593 feet/one- hundredth-of-a-second

And, with this, we arrive at the concept of the geodetic foot. And, the 1.014507593 figure actually represents a micro-corridor in itself, according to this system of measurement.

1.014507593 x 12 inches = 12.17409112 inches / geodetic foot

Now, let us observe this same computational procedure for the measurement regarding the length of Earth's meridian measurement.

24,859.82 miles x 5280 feet = 131259849.6 feet
131259849.6 feet / 360 degrees = 364610.6933 feet/degree
364610.6933 feet / 60 minutes = 6076.844889 feet/minute
6076.844889 feet / 60 seconds = 101.2807481 feet/second
101.2807481 feet / 100 units/second = 1.012807481 feet/one- hundredths-of-a-second

The geodetic foot in this measurement equals approximately 12.15368977 inches. And, strangely enough, one minute, then equals roughly 1.15285+ miles; a maya long-count fractal number. According to these computations, then, one degree on the globe signifies ~69.171 miles.

One-thousandth of one inch would equal roughly .001215368977 of an inch. Therefore, if the Great Pyramid is off true North by only a fraction of an inch, that somehow beats our measuring system based on degrees-minutes-seconds-hundredths, in that even one hundredth of one unit on this system represents more than one inch of measurement.

In this fashion, it is understandable that the 1296c constant represents a factor in the computation of the geodetic foot.

1577762208 inches / 129600000c = 12.1740911" [= geodetic foot]

We can also obtain the geodetic foot expressed in inches, by way of another ancient kemi count, that of 108c.

131480184 feet / 10800000c = 12.17409.111

And, if we want to obtain an approximate measurement for the geodetic foot as of the expression of measurement in miles, then we may employ the maya 819c.

24901.55 / 819c = 30.40482295
24901.55 / 8192c = 30.3973999

Again, adjustments in the computations may be made quite easily. We must remember then, that due to the Earth's oblate shape, the length of one-half minute of latitude suffers an increment of about nine meters between the Equator and the Pole. At 90 degrees of latitude the length of one-half minute is 930.83 meters, while that same measurement at zero degrees of latitude is around 921.47 meters.

Another factor or constant within the ancient kemi reckoning system concerns the 105c count, which corresponds relationally to the Meso-American 104c. We have considered, as others have also done this, that the circle may have been divided into 378c degrees, and not only the more well-known 360c-degree circle. From this we may discern the arrival of the 105c.

378c / 360c = 105c

Furthermore, the angle of inclination of the so-called true pyramid has been cited as being 54 degrees. Consider, then,

378 / 54 = 7

Now, what if the ancients devised a 378-degree circle with the same 60-minute and 60-second denominations within that system. Then, we would have:

378 x 60 x 60 = 1360800

Interestingly, this is similar to ancient maya counts, and produces a maya-long-count fractal number as the difference with the maya long-count companion number, 1366560c:

1366560 - 1360800 = 5760 [576c, a maya long-count fractal number]

The historically significant numbers appear to create all kinds of relationships, unsuspecting relations that may be discerned through computations as presented here. For example, also consider employing the 1014c (of the 2028c of the Legends of the Four Suns) as a factor in relation to other counts.:

1366560 x 1.014 = 1385691.84
1385691.84 - 1385540 = 151.84

Consider the fact that 151840 is another historically significant number cited in the literature:

1366560 / 9 = 151840

In this manner, we may observe how a relatively insignificant number (1014c) takes on a very obvious meaning for ancient reckoning.

One wonders whether the yard, that is a length of three feet in the English system, may not have been originally a representation of the sidereal orbital time of Earth. Consider the relationship of the geodetic foot:

The geodetic foot: 12.1740911 x 3 = 36.5222733

Earth's sidereal orbital time: 365.256 / 3 = 121.752

In other words, the so-called geodetic yard (36.522 inches) would be approximately equal to the symbolic representation of Earth's orbital periodicity.

One then wonders how many geodetic yards would be contained within the length of the equatorial circumference of the Earth:

1577762208 inches / 36.5222733 inches = 43200000.04 geodetic yards

How surprising to see the historically significant number of the Consecration make its appearance. This particular number, the 432c, has significance for many different, ancient reckoning systems.

Charles William Johnson


©2000-2013 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All rights reserved.
Reproduction prohibited.

The Geodetic Foot: the 1296c Factor
Extract 72
26 October 2000
Science in Ancient Artwork,
P.O. Box 231126, New Orleans, LA 70183-1126.



Eventpoint Cosmogeography, a new study, opens up a distinct line of inquiry into the geography of the Earth.  Charles William Johnson, from Earth/matriX, Science Today, questions the theory of continental drift by examining the distances between geographical extreme points and selected cosmogeographical event points. The translation and centrosymmetries of geographical coordinate points suggest the fact that the continents undergo movement, but that they have not drifted randomly on the face of the Earth for the past 250 million years as proposed by Alfred Wegener nearly a century ago. The symmetry between extremepoints and eventpoints illustrated in this study suggests that continental drift theory must be reconsidered, possibly abandoned.

Volume One
Eventpoint Cosmogeography
A Study in Relating Event Point Cosmogeography and Extreme Point Geography

Earth/matriX Editions ISBN 1-58616-432-5
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Volume Two
Eventpoint Cosmogeography
The Earth's Crust-Mantle-Core Boundaries and Mean Plane of Motion

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