
Science in Ancient Artwork
Extract Nº50.

Protons, Neutrons, Electrons,
The Maya Companion Numbers


Charles William Johnson

The historically significant numbers of the ancient reckoning system seem to have relevance for many fields of study. We have examined their relevance to the numbers of the Universe, the distances traveled by the Earth, its Moon, and the Sun. We have seen how the maya numbers/fractals relate to the numbers of contemporary computers. We have discussed many different relevant fields of human endeavor and how these relate to the historically significant numbers and fractals coming out of the ancient reckoning system. We have discussed the numbers/fractals in relation to the periodic table of the elements and the electron configuration.

Now, let us further the discussion by relating the maya numbers/fractals to the proton, neutron, and electron counts of the atom regarding the elements. Constantly, we have been repeating the idea, that it seems highly unlikely that the ancients chose their numbers out of happenstance. The selection of numbers and fractals would appear to have been based upon knowledge about spacetime. The ancients had no known instruments for observing the atom or its inner structure. Even at the current point in time, our contemporary history is constructing knowledge about the inner working of the atom in a very sketchy manner. No one has seen an atom; nor has anyone ever seen its internal mechanism either. Yet, we read about the number of protons, neutrons and electrons that make up the atoms of the different elements.

One would not expect the historically significant numbers of the ancient reckoning system of the maya or, of any other culture for that matter, to be reconcilable with the numerical counts of the protons, neutrons and electrons that make up a particular atom. Any coincidence of numbers and counts would surely be just that; a coincidence. And, as we have been observing, the number of coincidences between the events in nature that can be counted and the historically significant numbers of the ancient reckoning system are forever increasing.

Herein, we shall examine and review some of the coincidences that we have observed regarding the numbers related to the inner structure of an atom and the atomic number of the elements, in relation to ancient reckoning numbers/fractals. We shall mainly be concerned with the maya companion numbers; i.e., 1366560 and 1385540, which we have been analyzing for some time now.

But, before we venture into these uncharted waters, let us examine the significance of the number thirteen (13) on the periodic table; an historically significant number that lies at the base of the ancient reckoning system of the maya. Many patterns exist within the elements, but one in particular may be discerned if we divide the total number of protons/neutrons/electrons of some of the representational elements of the periodic table by their atomic number.

Element Protons=Neutrons+Electrons Divided by Atomic Number of the Element

We know that the number thirteen forms a backbone to the ancient Mesoamerican system. But, even the result 3.076923 appears to be extremely relational to some of the historically significant numbers. Consider the kawil number (819):

819 x 3.07923 = 2520.00567 (5040.01134, 10080.02268)

365 day-count 365 / 3.07923 = 118.625003
15184.00038 x 9
= 136656.0034

Another example:

3.076923 x 3 = 9.230769

anti-radian 302.7042205 - 302.4738386 = .2303819 (rounded off to 2304 alautun)

It is easy to view these computations and consider the art of chance. Numbers have a way of relating to one another; that is their very nature. We have taken the historically significant numbers and then seek to find their expression within nature. But, regarding the different counts of the elements, it would now appear that the numbers stem from the elements themselves. This is an even more exciting coincidence. Let us take into consideration only two elements for now: Tellurium (52) and Rutherfordium (104), or what is now known as element one-hundred-and-four in Latin: unnilquadium. The ancient Mesoamerican reckoning system gave strict importance to the cycle numbers 52c and 104c. The number 52 formed a cycle of years called the calendar round and consisted of 18980 days. The historical record is unclear as to the significance of the ancients having chosen the number fifty-two for their computations.

Tellurium (Atomic Number 52) 52 Protons 52 Electrons 76 Neutrons
Rutherfordium (Atomic Number 104) 104 Protons104 Electrons157 Neutrons

Coincidentally, the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons of the fifty-second element of the periodic table yields a total of 180. Generally, when we consider the periodic table, only the atomic number is taken into consideration. Rarely does one imagine the total number of components within the particular atom, unless one is a specialized physicist or chemist. It may seem incredible, but the historically significant number of 52 is now in direct relationship to another historically significant number, which is 180, or its double 360. Obviously, this brings to mind the 360c day-count of the ancient maya reckoning system, and that of the kemi in ancient Egypt.

The number 104 represents the double of the maya cycle of 52 years. Incredibly enough, the element 104 of the periodic table consists of an historically significant amount of protons, neutrons, and electrons: a total of 365 constituent parts within this element's atom nuclear and atomic structure. So, now we have the 104 number in relation to the 365c day-count calendar of the ancient maya and kemi reckoning system.

The numbers that appear to be totally intrusive to our analysis are those of the corresponding neutrons. There are 76 neutrons in an atom of element 52, while there are 157 neutrons in an atom of element 104. One should immediately note that these two numbers are not related through the method of doubling terms: 76 is 152 when doubled, not 157 obviously. Thus, we should not expect to find a simple coincidence of numbers among the different counts, if we relate the historically significant numbers of each element among themselves. It would appear that the coincidence of numbers is simply that; a coincidence.

However, let us carry out a few computations in order to observe how the numbers behave. It is obvious that certain computations are available immediately.

52 x 180=9360
(= fractal of maya long count date 1872000)
104 x 365=37960
(= calendar round)

In other words, 10400 atoms of Tellurium would contain a combination of 1872000 protons/neutrons/electrons. And, similarly, 52 atoms of element unnilquadium would contain a combination of 18980 protons/neutrons/electrons in total.

This coincidence of numbers can be nothing more than a coincidence of numbers. However, let us look at the corresponding numbers of the atom that lie between elements 52 and 104. The mid- point between these two elements is element 78, Platinum, which contains 78 protons, 78 electrons and 117 neutrons in each atom. The total number of combined protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom of Platinum is thereby 273. Immediately, one is struck by the fact that 7 times 117 equal a kawil (819), because we are dealing with mere coincidences of terms, significant computations become available.

(13x) 78 + 78 + 117 =
1014 + 1014 + 1521 =
2028 + 1521 =3549

Here, we recognize the 2028-year count of the Legend of the Four Suns, and the related square of the number 39, which has been discussed in relation to that same legend.

However, there are some computations that seem to defy the concept of happenstance in all of this. Consider once again the two original elements (52, 104). Let us multiple the number of protons, electrons and neutrons of these two atoms by some historically significant numbers of the ancient reckoning system.

3744X [104 + 104 + 157] =
389376 + 389376 + 587808 =
778752 + 587808 =1366560 (maya companion)

3796X [52 + 52 + 76] =
394784 + 394784 + 576992 =
789568 + 576992 =1366560 (maya companion)

And, inversely,

3796X [104 + 104 + 157] =
394784 + 394784 + 595972 =
789568 + 595972 =1385540 (maya companion)

To observe a relationship and coincidence of terms of the historically significant day-counts (180, 360, 365) and year counts (52, 104) in the numbers of the elements should not cause surprise. But, to observe these numbers in relation to more specific historically significant numbers/fractals (1872, 3744, 1898, 3796, etc.), and in relation to the maya companion numbers (1366560, 1385540) by way of apparently insignificant numbers (76, 157), somehow challenges a sense of logic. One cannot suggest that the ancients were counting the internal workings of the atom. However, the ancient reckoning system of time easily accounts for such numbers. In fact, the historically significant numbers of the ancient reckoning system once again flow in a natural manner from nature itself.

One could imagine a system of time that counts the infinitely small (the atoms) and the infinitely large (the cosmos) with a reckoning of periodicity along the terms examined herein. For if we consider the internal working of element 104, unnilquadium, a very similar relationship appears regarding the two ancient calendars of Mesoamerica: the 365c and the 260c calendars. Consider the sum and relationship of the protons (104) and the neutrons (157) of element 104.

(Protons plus neutrons) 104 + 157 = 261 (Electrons) 104 =Total 365
(Ancient Calendars; days) 260 (Difference) 105 =Total 365

In this manner, we may understand that the total number of protons, neutrons and electrons of an atom of element 104 is 365, whose nucleus consists of 261 protons and neutrons combined. One thereby observes still another relationship of features of the ancient reckoning system within the atom.

In element 52, there are 52 protons with 76 neutrons in the nucleus, meaning there is a total of 128 components within the nucleus. It is striking that the number 128 reflects the constant number series of the ancient reckoning system: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128..., etc. Element 52, then, reflects the constant number series in relation to the 180, 360, 720, 1440, 2880, 5760..., etc., fractal progression of the maya long count. And, as we know, the maya long count numbers (360, 7200, 144000, etc.) were computed in relation to the constant series (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 84, 128...etc.).

If we are not to believe that the ancient maya actually knew how the atoms functioned, then the ancient maya, just happened to have chosen the numbers of their ancient reckoning system in a coincidental manner as to account for the inner workings of the atoms.

On the other hand, if the maya were privy to such knowledge, from a yet unrecognized source, then their ancient reckoning system counted time on the planetary level with the same/similar numbers of the periodicity of time reflected in the atom. In other words, the periodicity of time of the elements is that of the planetary bodies. Now, if nature is one and the same throughout its entire existence, then we should not be surprised to find numbers at the level of the periodicity of the elements that reflect the periodicity of the planets.

One can only wonder how the maya may have known that time throughout the Universe is one and the same at all levels. For now, it is impossible to ponder how they may have known the nature of time. But, it is significant to consider the possibility that the ancient reckoning system derived its numbers, not from happenstance or superstition, but from knowledge about the Universe. It would only seem logical, that if the ancient reckoning system's numbers were erroneous, then even the slightest coincidence among these different levels and numbers should not exist.

It may sound strange to affirm that 3744 atoms of element 104 equal the maya companion number 1366560, and further, that 3796 atoms of element 104 equal the other maya companion number 1385540, but that is exactly what the numbers tell us.

Previously, we have seen that the Sun travels in multiples of the numbers/fractals of the maya reckoning system and the maya long count. Now, we see that the very existence of some of the atoms reflects the very numbers/fractals of these same systems. A point in time arrives when the perceived coincidences become far too coincidental to be a coincidence. Everyone knows the feeling when a coincidence appears to be too coincidental, and the occurrence must have been by conscious design. It would appear that perceived knowledge about the ancient reckoning system is fast approaching such a point.

Proton (P), Neutron (N) and Electron (E) Configuration
by Periodicity of the Table of the Elements
The Initial Pattern for First Twenty Elements

The Significance
Elements of Life

6/Carbon, 7/Nitrogen, and 8/Oxygen

In this manner, there exists a pattern based on alike numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons, whereby element 7 appears to represent some kind of exception to the rule of equal number.

One may observe how the element number 7 is thereby isolated and shown to be of an exceptional relationship to the other examples of sameness. The recognized elements for sustaining life on this planet are thereby grouped together in a distinguishing pattern within the pattern of the first twenty elements.

P N E  

Some Computational Considerations

3 x 7 = 21 (commencement of irregular pattern)
7 x 7 x 7 = 343 (lithium)
6 6 6 - 16 16 16 (range of an internal pattern)
2 / 7 = .285714286
.285714286 / 20 = .0142857 (reciprocal of 7)
elements 3,4,5,7,8, 9 establish another internal pattern 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 =181440 (maya long count number/fractal)

The number seven (element Nitrogen) is singled out in the pattern.

From the visualization of this pattern for the first twenty elements of the periodic table, it were as though a conscious decision were made regarding the make-up of the elements. The arrangement of sameness of protons, neutrons and electrons in equality of numbers even suggests some kind of genetic-like engineering.

One would think that nature would simply create multiples and progressions of multiples, but nothing like exceptional pattern, whereby the main elements of life on this planet are singled out and grouped in a most intriguing manner.
P N E  


©1999-2012 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All rights reserved.
Reproduction prohibited without written consent of the author.

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Science in Ancient Artwork
Extract No50
Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, and The Maya Companion Numbers
14 June 1999
©1999-2012 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All Rights Reserved


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