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Sound of Meaning: Ancient
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Comparative Linguidtic of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs with Tunica
Author: Charles William Johnson
ISBN 1-58616-434-1
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206 Pages
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Comparative Linguistics of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs with Tunica, Chitimacha and Atakapa


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Ancient Egyptian and Purepecha
Author: Charles William Johnson
2007 Copyrighted
80 Pages
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Aside from this particular example, we might also consider the possibility that the day-glyph ring actually revealed the 18 months (of twenty days) in the following sequence:

The Months on the Day-Glyph Ring

There is an obvious correspondence among some of the day glyphs and names of the month names (3, 5, 17); while others are not so evident. It does seem to follow the logic of design that the months would be assigned spaces between days 1 and 20, the beginning and ending of a year count.

We were unable to find a similar relationship that might be suggestive of the trecenas (13-day cycles) or the aggregate ones (los acompañados), the names attached to the last 100 days of the 360-day count. So, we decided to work out the trecena on the day-glyph ring. A very unique pattern obtains, as may be seen in the following illustration, where we have marked off the last day glyph of each trecena on a 221-day count. (We shall explain shortly why 221 days).

The 13-day Cycles on the
Day-Glyph Ring

One should notice that the day-glyph numbers 7, 14, 20 are not connected in this pattern, but become connected when we continue to mark off the remaining cycles of the 260-day count. However, the lines that mark off these specific 13-day cycles (numbers 18, 19, 20, 21) now form the following figure:

Trecena cycles 18, 19, 20, 21
on the Day-Glyph Ring

These lines now complete the 260-day count calendar, and connect all of the day-glyphs (including now numbers 4, 7, and 20).

When we visualize the mid-section of these particular lines, it would appear that they are aiming towards the day glyph which is represented by an Ollin, glyph number 17. Observe the following illustration:

The Ollin Glyph on the
Day-Glyph Ring

Interestingly, as we pointed out on the correspondence of the months to the day-glyph ring, the Ollin glyph corresponds to the month name Quecholli (see). In other words, it would appear as though, by design, the pointer and the day-glyph ring relationship is indicating the aggregates (los acompañados), which correspond to the remaining 100 days of the 364-day count. The linear pattern of the remaining 13-day cycles, then, on the day-glyph ring would be as follows:

The 13-Day Cycles
of the Aggregates

Furthermore, one should notice that the number of day-glyphs touched by these remaining 13-days is precisely nine, the number of the aggregates; some of which seem to correspond to the day-glyphs themselves (numbers 6, 18, 19, 20). (Los acompañados are: Xiuhteuctli Tletl; Tecpatl; Xochitl; Cinteotl; Miquiztli; Atl; Tlazolteotl; Tepeyolotli; and Quiahuitl).

From the perspective of design, it becomes extremely intriguing to consider which might be actually conceived first (the day-glyph conception; the day-glyph ring; the counting system of 13s and 20s; the actual calendar), in order to present the patterns. Let us further consider, then, a possible pattern that might suggest a design regarding the behaviour of the planet Venus and its corresponding cycles. Let us illustrate this example on the pointer.

Continue Part: VII

The Pointer of the Aztec Calendar
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