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first in Languages Series
Sound of Meaning: Ancient
Egyptian, Maya and Nahuatl
Author: Charles William Johnson
154 pages
ISBN 0.9755482-04
Price: $3.99US



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Comparative Linguidtic of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs with Tunica
Author: Charles William Johnson
ISBN 1-58616-434-1
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Copyrighted 2006
206 Pages
Price: $3.99 US

Comparative Linguistics of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs with Tunica, Chitimacha and Atakapa


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Ancient Egyptian and Purepecha
Author: Charles William Johnson
2007 Copyrighted
80 Pages
ISBN 1-58616-453-X
Price: $5.99 6US
Ancient Egyptian and Purépecha





Let us explore this possible flexibility a little more. There appears to be a natural axis running through the pointer, as may be observed in the following illustration:

The Axis of the Pointer

As shown, the pointer may be subdivided into ten units on either side of the axis, whereby a keen mind could use it either rightside up, or upside down. In other words, conceptually numbers 1-10 on the pointer could be considered to be numbers 10-20 in terms of a calculating instrument. The manner in which the pointer might be conceivably be divided becomes limited only by the user's imagination. Sets of three numbers could be conceived on the arms of the Ollins (2, 3, 4; 8 ,9 , 10; 12, 13, 14; and 18, 19, 20); numbers 1, 6, 11, 16 could mark off the four cardinal points, or the four years. The alternatives are infinite.

Aside, then, from the obvious design within the pointer that corresponds to the 1-20 unit system, one can also observe how the day-glyph ring was itself designed for multiple calculations. For example, although this ring has become known as the day-glyph ring, in fact, other time cycles are identified by its glyphs. The most obvious example is that of the four years as identified by some authors:

The Four Years

Again, the pointer, conceptually speaking, can also show us which are the first and last days of each year glyph.

The Pointer and the Year Glyphs

Continue Part: VI

The Pointer of the Aztec Calendar
Home Part: I Part: II Part: III Part: IV Part: V Part: VI Part: VII

©1995-2011 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All Rights Reserved
Reproduction prohibited without written consent of the author.

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