Was Wegener Wrong?

Tectonic Plates, Continental Drift and
The Symmetry of the Continents

Charles William Johnson

Was Wegener Wrong?
Tectonic Plates, Continental Drift and The Symmetry of the Continents

ISBN 1-58616-199-7


Eventpoint Cosmogeography, a new study, opens up a distinct line of inquiry into the geography of the Earth.  Charles William Johnson, from Earth/matriX, Science Today, questions the theory of continental drift by examining the distances between geographical extreme points and selected cosmogeographical event points. The translation and centrosymmetries of geographical coordinate points suggest the fact that the continents undergo movement, but that they have not drifted randomly on the face of the Earth for the past 250 million years as proposed by Alfred Wegener nearly a century ago. The symmetry between extremepoints and eventpoints illustrated in this study suggests that continental drift theory must be reconsidered, possibly abandoned.

Eventpoint Cosmogeography
A Study in Relating Event Point Cosmogeography and Extreme Point Geography

Earth/matriX Editions
ISBN 1-58616-432-5
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344 Pages
Fully illustrated with drawings.
Price: $8.99 US
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