Emission Spectral
Lines for the Elements:
A Comparison of the Emission Spectral Lines Chart and the Electronic |
What pops out, of course, is the tremendously complex spectra which appear at about elements 22-26, 49-44, and 62-74. Then, after a period of lesser emission spectra which are roughly as simple as that of Gold´, element 90, Thorium, pops up with a very complex emission spectrum.
It would be interesting if there were some sort of a break down of these emission spectra.
Where are the "S' lines set? How are they shifted from element to element? How many different sets of these lines can be found in a given spectrum? Are there available any comparative emission spectra among isotopes of a given element?
Gold is monoisotopic in nature and has an "Inert Gas Structue" for the "Neutrons." The spectrum is quite simple, though it seems to have a very interesting strong doublet noticeable. This does not seem to be paralleled in any of the other spectra ---at least not at first glance. Similar questions can be asked about the other lines beyond the "Sharp," i.e. the "Principal," "Fine," and "Diffuse." To what extent has the monumental task of sorting this out been undertaken?
Quanum Mechanics is based on the emission/absorption spectrum of Hydrogen. I wonder if there are, anywhere, separately recorded emission spectra for Deuterium and Hydrogen 1? Likewise, for Helium
3, and Helium 4? It would seem that differences should be detectable and should be informative. (From magnetic dipole data, one may consider, If they wish--as I do-- the He4 unit to have an internal tetrahedral structure for the four "Proton." units, while He3 would be a trigonal structure.)
It would be interesting to see if their emission/absorption spectra do not have distinct differences. It may well be that no one has ever bothered to check.
The structural shape of the nucleus is probably not something that anyone considers...
In spectroscopy, an analysis that can be done relating even a few cases to basic structure should be very valuable. A thorough analysis of H, D. He3, and He4, if it could be worked out would probably be appreciated. Noted also is a unit called the "Helion," which would appear to be the Common Cation intermediate between He3 and T. It would be great, if anywhere could be found spectra attributable to these three units
Another contribution that would be very valuable to the "Cold Fusion" people, would be a quantitative spectroscopic way of analyzing gas composition distinguishing DD from He4. Seems to me, actually it should not be too difficult. DD should have a distinctive IR absorption pattern for He4, which may not absorb in the IR. This, however, is rather off topic
I have a suspicion that the complexity of the spectrum may well be related not only to the complexity of the "Outer Electrons", the number of different arrangements possible, bur also, to the situation with the "Neutrons," which I consider to be the "Anti-matter" part of the atom. For Gold, for instance, the "Anti-matter portion would be expected to be very passive to absorption or emission as it consists essentially of "Filled orbitals." (I might say, a rather perfectly packed space for this set)
‘Recken yur onta sumthin, but, at this point, ain’t quite sure what’...
Looking at the numbers I see that elements 21 to 25 are the first half of the first set of "d' orbitals coming into play so there would be lots of possible shifting around, which would cut down once the "half-filled" shell appeared. Same thing can be said for 39-33. I haven’t analyzed further.... Need cross-reference to the "internal” set shells and see if they correlate in also.
....more to follow.
©2014 Copyrighted by Dean L. Sinclair. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.
Follow-up comment by Charles: I thought for sure that Dean was going to say something about the evident oscillatory nature of the emission spectral lines presented in the sequential format of the chart. I am certain that his comments on the apparent oscillations will follow later.
Emission Spectral Lines for the Elements:
An Earth/matriX Ordering - Two Views
Charles William Johnson
Earth/matriX Editions
©2014 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. Reproduction prohibited.
All rights reserved.
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