The Ionization Energy of Hydrogen -13.6eV
and The 136.6 Temperature Scale

By Charles William Johnson

The Earth/matriX temperature scale reflects the proportion of the boiling point of water to the freezing point of water in relation to the absolute zero point of water. The boiling point of water (373.15 k) divided by the freezing point of water (273.15 k) yields a proportion as follows:

373.15 / 273.15 = 1.366099213

The Earth/matriX temperature scale proposes the use of a gradation of values that would reflect this essential proportion. On the main temperature scale then, the boiling point of water is 136.6 points, the freezing point of water is 100.0 points and absolute zero remains the same as on the kelvin scale. The proportion for the thermodynamic temperature scale on Earth, then, reflects a significant gradation scale base on 136.6 e/m (energy-matter) units.

In my writing on the thermodynamic temperature scale, I have suggested that either the boiling point of water be set as unit 1.0 or the freezing point of water be set as unit 1.0. In either case, these two scales allow for comparisons of temperatures that are relational to a significant gradation scale of zero to 100 in terms of reciprocals of one another. Consider, the reciprocal of 136.6 is precisely 73.2 in fractal terms. The measurements on one scale are easily translatable to the other scale.

1 / 1.366099213 = .732011255

Now, by devising a scale based on zero to one hundred as of the freezing/boiling points, the following obtains for the two Earth/matriX thermodynamic temperature scales. The first scale takes the range from absolute zero to the freezing point of water as the 0 - 100 temperature scale. On this scale, the boiling point of water then consists of 1.366099213 units thereof.

The Earth/matriX Scale I Based on 0 - 1.366 BPW
(The Triple Point of Water: Freezing Point of Water as Unit 1.0)

1.366099213 (= 373.15 K) The boiling point of water.
1.00 (= 273.15 K) The freezing point of water.
0.00 (= 0 K) Absolute zero.

The second Earth/matriX scale proposes the range from absolute zero to the boiling point of water as the 0 - 100 temperature range. On this scale, the freezing point of water then consists of .732011256 units thereof.

The Earth/matriX Scale II Based on 0 - 100 FPW
(The Triple Point of Water: Boiling Point of Water as Unit 1.0)

1.00 (= 373.15 K) The boiling point of water.
(= 273.15 K) The freezing point of water.
0.00 (= 0 K) Absolute zero.

In my view, if the relationship of the boiling/freezing points of water reflects a proportion based on or near the 136.6 number then it is not surprising to find this proportion to be present in other levels of the structure of matter-energy.

Another significant relationship is that found in the structure of the Hydrogen atom. The ionization energy of hydrogen is 13.6eV. The highest energy level that an electron can have in a hydrogen atom is 13.6eV. This is the ground state energy of the electron. Thereby, it takes an energy of 13.6 electronvolts to remove an electron in the ground state from the hydrogen atom. Stated another way: it requires 13.6eV to convert Hydrogen-I into Hydrogen-II. The ionization energy from Helium-II to Helium-III is four times 13.6eV.

The electronvolt is a unit of energy and the energy needed to remove one electron from hydrogen is 13.6eV. The following illustration is not to scale, but is representative of the numbers and states.

Take note of the numerical relationships of the different states:

13.6 / 3.40 = 4   3.40 / 13.6= .25
13.6 / 1.51111111 = 9   1.511111 / 13.6 = .111111
13.6 / .850 = 16   .850 / 13.6 = .0625
13.6 / .544 = 25   .544 / 13.6 = .04

The relational significance of the 13.6 count fractal number is thus revealed in relation to the multiples of the other states.

Thermodynamics is the study of energy. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. The thermodynamic temperature scale reflects the behavior of this law. In my mind, it is not a random coincidence that the energy needed to remove one electron from hydrogen (13.6eV), reflects a similar fractal value for the proportion of the thermodynamic temperature scale based on the boiling/freezing points of water (136.6 e/m).

Or, one may state this idea in reverse order. The thermodynamic temperature scale (136.6 e/m) reflects a similar fractal value as to the transfer of energy at the elemental level of the ionization energy of hydrogen (13.6eV). To observe a scale for the measurement of thermodynamic temperature ( fractal 136.6 ) that is similar to the scale for energy levels and ionization states ( fractal 13.6 ) suggests a direct relationship between the two in terms of the equivalency of matter-energy and its transference from one form to another.

From the above, one may envision the logic and benefits of employing the Earth/matriX thermodynamic temperature scale with a gradation of 0 - 136.6 energy-matter units.

©2006-2011 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All rights reserved. IBSN 1-58616-427-9
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